View Full Version : giving good support

11-10-10, 22:00

I'd really like to find out more about other people's experiences about recognising you have some anxiety problems. My husband is anxious about spilt milk, being away from somewhere he can wash/shower, flying in a plane, sleeping, being sick... There is quite a long list. I have tried very unsuccessfully to help him to look at the impact of these problems but by talking about it he now sees me as the source of his stress. He is currently quite low and unable to help much with our young daughter. My emotions swing between guilt for not being able to keep the house tidy enough/calm enough for him and resentment/frustration for him not recognising that we can't go on holiday, have friends round and for not giving me any support. How can the partner of someone who has anxiety attacks get the balance right between letting them look at their fears at their own pace and helping them to see the patterns of panic that cause such a lot of stress to them and their family?

11-10-10, 22:01
Hi compassionate

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

paula lynne
11-10-10, 22:07
Hi compassionate and welcome aboard :welcome:Im the anxiety panic and my husband "suffers" too in lots of ways. My first step was gp, then councelling, hubby read up all my literature. We are stronger together as a team. Its so hard, just normal routine everyday things seem insurmountable at times, but 10 years on, we are still in love, and very strong...communication is key. Support and understanding vital, and yes, sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind...at the time I thought he was insensitive to push me to do things I didnt want too...but looking back..it was the beginning of my recovery, although I get blips still. What a wonderful person you are to care so much for your partner...lots of help and support here, and fantastic threads to help you. Nice to meet you x:hugs:

12-10-10, 10:00
Hi there

I am sure its tough for you and him just now, while I know you are frustrated I am sure he feels guilty and hates his situation believe me.
will he register on here to get some support ? have you both been to GP to try and get some help?
There is loads of help and advise and support on this siteto help both of you. There are a couple of other sites - www.patients.co.uk (http://www.patients.co.uk) that has helpful info and worksheets to help ur hubby and on www.depressioncanbefun.com (http://www.depressioncanbefun.com) there is lots of help too. There is a great section for you as his support and there is a mood gym which hubby might find useful.

Hope this helps - and feel free to chat with us and we will support u toox