View Full Version : i don't know what to do :(

12-10-10, 00:06
I'm really sorry if this is the wrong place for this... Couldn't really figure out what this came under... But it's general so I thought here might be ok. Move it if you need to :)

I signed up a short while ago... But I sort of disappeared. Had a lot happening, my uncle almost died and it made me really stressed and my anxiety started playing up and now I just feel really really low. I wrote this about how I'm feeling.


Cant i just go to sleep and never wake up? Or at least
Sleep through this week.
I really can't cope with these thoughts and these tears.

Can't I just have one friend who is there? Or at least
Someone who cares.
I don't understand why I'm still alone after all these years..

Everyone else is fine without me
They have other friends to hang out with
To go places with.
I'm just the last resort, the one thought of last
Where is my best friend?

Why make everyone around me lead these great lives and have great times
When I just sit alone and so lonely.
It's like I don't matter to anyone.

I went to university hoping to make friends.
I made around two. They weren't even on my course.
Instead I watched everyone around me sitting in groups while I sat on the outside. My fault.

I went back to where i lived and it was like that there,
Didn't matter how hard I tried.
It just didn't happen.

All I want is to have friends, that's all.
To finally be someone.
Why cant I have friends who want to hang out with me?
Who ask me if I want to do something?
Why is everyone else asked but me...
Am I really that invisible..?

That is how I feel.
Though I also feel crushed,
Like I've been kicked in the stomach and broken apart.
I've lost everyone.

I go to gigs myself now,*
I miss out because noone can go
Or won't and don't want to
That's fine. I understand.

It just hurts. A lot more than I could ever put into words.
Nobody understands.
They don't.

I don't have anyone to turn to anymore. I thought maybe you could help me get through this. I find it hard to talk though but I had to do this. Can't keep feeling this way :(

12-10-10, 00:13
Hi hon, just to say that you are not alone in how you feel, I may not be of much help at the moment but just want to give you a great big hug :bighug1:x

12-10-10, 02:07

So sorry you are feeling so sad but I know exactly where you are coming from. I have always been quite lonely through my life, never quite met the right friends or found the right relationship, this is not through choice its just the way my life has been. I really try to get on with people but suffer from anxiety and depression which doesnt help. I find solace in my many pets that are always there for me with unconditional love. I think you have come to the right place as i am sure there are quite a few people on here who can relate to what you have stated.

Rest assured you are not alone and this site has been a god-send for me just reading some of what others feel makes me feel less isolated.

There is no easy answer to this and i hope you find some comfort here.

Take care,

Jules :bighug1:

Miss Ben E Fit
12-10-10, 11:53
Have no words to add to the two replies above but can certainly add a :hugs:

Nigel H
12-10-10, 19:32

It is unclear to me form your post, as to how often YOU made the move to get to know others, or if you expected/hoped that they would approach you?

Everyone can find people to like them if they are putting themselves out there to meet people - it may not be the first people you speak to, though that is possible ..... and you may need to keep making the effort!

If you are not taking the steps to introduce yourself to people in your circle of 'potential' friends, then they may assume you do not want to be with them and have their own insecurities which stop them trying to know you better..... who knows.

It may be you need to work on your own insecurities to be comfortable in talking to others more .....

I'm sure there is much to like about you - have you sat a written a list of what you like about yourself, to clarify what others will gain when they are your friend? Notice - keep this to the positives about yourself, focussing only on what you want.

If you find this tough - then write out what you respect as qualities in other people. Chances are that you respect these things because they are traits that YOU have in yourself - which is why you notice them in other people as things to like and respect.


Fly away Katie
12-10-10, 20:40
Massive Hugs. I feel for you :hugs: x x x x x x x x x x you have us x x x x x x

12-10-10, 20:46
Just read your post and decided to reply, Sorry if maybe this post doesnt make much sense, but my tablet has kicked in and I am really tired, plus had 1 too many glasses of wine :lac:
I admire you for getting out there and doing things, even if it is on your own - that is something that I cannot do. Good for you. One time you will be out there and start chatting to someone and it will take off from there. Just be patient and dont try and force any friendship. Let it happen - a bit like a relationship.
According to the mental health charities, a lot of people with mental health issues, tend to be isolated, and not have many friends. Obviously this is not in every single case, but in a lot.
I think it takes a very good friend to be there with someone who is suffering with anxiety or/and depression.
I pushed every single person away from me when I was suffering a lot with anxiety and was very unwell. I also felt uncomfortable around me - maybe too much emotion and tears for them?
I now have no family apart from my son - however I never want to have my family back not ever...long story.
Any friends that I have made, through my partner and work, are new. I totally got rid of my past. I still feel very uncomfortable around people and yet I used to have lots of friends.
I think sometimes when we are suffering with anxiety and emotional issues then maybe we need to do so alone in a way, although friends and family can be a great help.
Maybe for now just concentrate on you and then when you feel better, try and make new friends. It takes time but it will be worth it.
It is similar to when looking for a new boyfriend - when you look, then there seems to be no one and yet when you dont you somehow seem to meet people - my experience anyway.
Keep posting! Hugs to you.