View Full Version : New UK Benefit tests.

12-10-10, 08:34
Hi; In UK we started new Benefit tests yesterday, 2 Cities. I have seen the time scale, it says from now till March 2014 - that people should be tested and moved to new benefit or put on list as able to work. (Maybe with some help to get them there? I wonder??)
Anyone know when it gets to other places?

I have looked at the questions, and there seems to be nothing concidered about peoples past, just some unflexible questions.

I also find the test a bit hard to work out. It says 15 points are needed for physical disability, 10 for Mental health, but if you get 6 or more mental health points you get 9 physical. Have I got this wrong?

I did read somewhere people near 65 will be moved onto pension, but that I read online.

Anyone know better than me??

12-10-10, 09:15
Hi there

On Radio 4 yesterday they said that the scheme was initially being started with claimants in Abderdeen and Burnley, then it would move on to the rest of the country starting in April 2011. I can only presume that this will be done on a gradual basis, as let's face it, there are an awful lot of people on benefits. Sadly, there are people on sickness-related benefits that shouldn't be getting them; there are cheats and scroungers out there, whether we believe it or not. However, the system that the new government wants to impose may penalise the wrong people.

Can't help out with advice about the points system other than one or two bits that I've heard. Evidently if you can't walk more than 200m unaided then you get the 15 points. There was some discussion on the radio yesterday about the new system discriminating against people with mental health problems.

There is an appeal system, but by the sound of it, less than half the people who appeal will win.

I suppose there is a possibility that an organisation like Mind will mount a legal challenge to the new rules on the grounds of discrimination, but legal challenges cost vast amounts of money and take a long time, so unfortunately I wouldn't hold my breath that this is going to be resolved quickly.

Miss Ben E Fit
12-10-10, 11:21
Purpose and aim(s) of Incapacity Benefit (Income Support) reassessment
Between October 2010 and Spring 2014 customers who receive Incapacity Benefit, Severe Disablement Allowance and Income Support paid on the grounds of illness or disability will be assessed for Employment and Support Allowance. Jobcentre Plus will reassess people on these benefits using the Work Capability Assessment, to assess their capability to work.
Those found not to have limited capability for work will be invited to make a claim to Jobseeker’s Allowance, be able to claim Income Support (if they are entitled under a different condition of entitlement) or will move off benefit. Those assessed to have limited capability to work will move to Employment and Support Allowance.
Starting on a small scale from October 2010 and then nationally from Spring 2011, around 1.5 million people will be reassessed over a three year period, equating to nearly 10,000 nationally a week.
The Incapacity Benefit (Income Support) Reassessment Project has been established to deliver the necessary changes within Jobcentre Plus to implement this reassessment.

12-10-10, 12:13
Thanks for putting all that info on the forum for us Miss Ben E Fit, saves hunting around the internet looking for it. :) And I love your signature!:D

28-10-10, 17:04
Regarding success rate of DLA appeals, the rate is more like 90%.

28-10-10, 17:20
At the end of the day its about time people were assessed on what they can do not what they cannot do,there are far to many people happily getting there disability money enjoying a comfortable life sat on their butts watching daytime tv,if people are genuinely ill and disabled they should be looked after but people who just take the pee out of the system etc should be weeded out its amazing how many people do not want to work and come up with great amounts of bullsh*t at the mention of it:shades:

28-10-10, 17:46
I couldn't agree more Olderfella.

This shake up is long overdue and the alledged 75% of claimants who have been deemed fit to work after the new testing are about to see their gravy train grind to a halt and not before time.

For too long the wrong people have been getting disability benefits and all the right ones (it appears to me) mostly getting nowt.

The trouble is that they are so used to having taken the mick out of the benefits system for so long and got away with it, that as soon as someone has the balls to say 'the party is over' they are up in arms about how unfair it is and how the rich are robbing from the poor.

What a load of hogwash.

Bring it on!!

28-10-10, 18:10
i'm glad this is going to done, the only thing that worries me is that the wrong people will suffer. There was a person on the t.v the other that gets his 5 bedroom house paid for and gets £1500 a month on top of that !! the best bit was when he said on live t.v "there is nothing to stop me getting a job but why should i when the goverment gives me all this !!!"


29-10-10, 17:21
i'm glad this is going to done, the only thing that worries me is that the wrong people will suffer. There was a person on the t.v the other that gets his 5 bedroom house paid for and gets £1500 a month on top of that !! the best bit was when he said on live t.v "there is nothing to stop me getting a job but why should i when the goverment gives me all this !!!"


Me too, but i also suffer from general anxiety disorder and panic attacks and OCD

29-10-10, 20:16
SO is it right to send people with cancer to work and people with AIDS to work
well deb and old feller is it right

29-10-10, 20:38
SO is it right to send people with cancer to work and people with AIDS to work
well deb and old feller is it right

Ummm....excuse me but where exactly did I say that? Sorry, but that is just a ridiculous remark.

Clearly - as I did say already -the RIGHT people should obviously be entitled to benefits (assuming they are getting them as it appears mostly they are not), but those NOT entitled and NOT qualifying should be working.

Why is that so offensive to you? If someone is fit to work, they should work, and if you yourself are a taxpayer then why get so irate about it, as I would have thought that you would want your hard earned taxes to go to deserved individuals just as the ones you have mentioned. If you are claiming that people DEBILITATED with cancer or AIDS will be forced to work then that is ludicrous. I worked in the NHS and I know for a fact that people unfortunate enough to have chronic illness actually see a social worker in hospital who assists them with fully comprehensive claims due to the long term hospital stays that their treatments entail, so excuse me if I don't buy your sob story.

The shake up is primarily to sift out basically LAZY PEOPLE who insult all genuinely disabled and incapacitated people by claiming their 'back pain' and suchlike stops them working. My Father has had two nervous breakdowns (one whilst serving his country in the Navy) and has NEVER claimed benefits, even when our family were in dire straits in the 70's financially. Unlike these people he has some pride.

It is a disgrace that they have got away with it for years and years. I'm sorry if this offends anyone but then sometimes the truth hurts.

29-10-10, 23:38
how can you tell if someones ill on a points form ok so your dad never clamed so what he could if he wanted i know a very few pull the lead but loads dont
this is not the cons labour bought this in

29-10-10, 23:58
What I was saying was that my Dad was genuinely unwell and in need and he didn't rely on the state to keep him - as you say, though he 'could have' - so why the hell do people who are not genuinely incapacitated think they have the right?

It is nothing but legalised stealing and they know it and are all having a good laugh at the tax payers expense. Your attitude sums it up really..."so what"? and that is just the attitude I for one hope is addressed.

Labour brought this in? Yeh, we know....what point are you making? We had 14 years of those idiots ruining this country and now someone is stepping in to hopefully sort it out.

30-10-10, 00:04
I think the problem here is that there isn't enough help to get people back to work that could physically work but mentally can't (if that makes sense).

If they concentrated more on helping people with anxiety etc then more would go back to work.

Let me just quickly explain my situation - after a heart attack and having Crohn's disease I have just completed a cardiac rehab course and the nurses and other members were surprised I was working at all ! Yes I get very tired and I only work part time (5.5 hours a day x 5 days a week) but I don't just give up and "sponge" off the government like some could do.

If I give up work then I will have to self-support myself as Alex works so I won't get any benefits anyway.

Am I bitter - hell yes I am cos I have to work despite my problems, is it fair - who knows? My illnesses makes me physically incapable of working full time but when I suffered panic/anxiety I worked full time and I suffered whilst doing it. Why? pride, money and the fact if I gave up I would be still stuck at home doing nothing.

It is possible to get thousands of people back to work with just a bit of work from the NHS and the government - will that happen? I doubt it. Will we all still moan? Oh god yes lol

30-10-10, 14:40
London neither Debs are myself said anything about sending people with aids or cancer to work,like Debs im talking about the lazy ******s that dont and wont work because they are bone idol layabouts who find having to go to work is a major inconvienience to their lifestyle,well tough sh*t i hope the goverment get em all back to work.Choose which government is in power this matter needs resolving and quick.I know families that have no intention of going to work,the father has been claiming disability for the last 14yrs to my knowledge claiming he suffers mental health probs,the only thing wrong with him mentaly is he has a phobia about work,he walks to the shops for his cigars daily takes kids to school enjoys frequent holidays does pluming jobs on the side,nice car etc the list goes on these are the claiments im talking about.You know the ones who can afford cigarettes
alcohol,bingo,gold chains and foriegn holidays,these free loaders really pee me and most of society off,make the lazy b*stards earn their money.

30-10-10, 16:02
them people must be stopped i hear the test is no use it makes even people very bad illness fit for work, yer the people who are skinking get them to work and paying someone rent of about 2 grand a week is wrong thay could not pay that if thay was working i think labour was to PC that killed the uk i think

30-10-10, 21:45
a girl i know has had her benefit cut my 180 per month, shes got serious mental health problems, but because she can use her arms and legs then she doesnt quialify for full benefit, she now struggles alot and her condition has deteriotated due to the stress. i hate the tories they are vile and duisgusting for not thinking about the people suffering mental health issues.

30-10-10, 23:48
Hi Crazyhayz, I hate the Tories too... I was brought up in a Socialist home, where we were encouraged to believe in equality and fairness :) I think that the Thatcherite 80's did so much damage to this country, that it's now beyond redemption and repair :(
Just wanted to say that, and that politics is probably not a good subject to get into when we have anxiety : 0

30-10-10, 23:55
politics is probably not a good subject to get into when we have anxiety : 0

Never a truer word said Kibb ;)

01-11-10, 17:28
I see today David Cameron said that from next week benefits will be much harder to claim as from next week the claim forms will only be printed in english:blush: