View Full Version : New to the site.....

12-10-10, 10:21
At long last Ive find a site that I can relate to !!!
Suffered on and off for over 25 years always been a worrier although like most suffers hide it very well and should have been an actor !!
Look forward to giving and receiving advice - my speciality is the panic attack !!

paula lynne
12-10-10, 10:23
Hi John and welcome to a fantastic supportive site...Im Paula Panic (haha)
Youll get lots of good advice here and make friends along the way.:welcome:

12-10-10, 10:24

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

12-10-10, 10:33
At long last Ive find a site that I can relate to !!!
Suffered on and off for over 25 years always been a worrier although like most suffers hide it very well and should have been an actor !!
Look forward to giving and receiving advice - my speciality is the panic attack !!

Hi sweetie, :welcome: to this fabulous, friendly forum.

Blimey love, "Wherefore art thou, Romeo...?" :winks: I bet you've run off now :shades:

Stay, and you'll receive help in dealing with, and trying to accept your speciality - the panic attack.

Take care,

Sue x

12-10-10, 13:23
Thanks for the welcomes - they mean a lot - am going on a 4 hour flight on Friday the stomach has been in my mouth for a fortnight !! Spoke to GP who has suggested diazapam any ideas am currently taking fluoxtine now got it down to 3 tablets per week but feel like increasing this ? have been a worrier/panicker for many many years.

paula lynne
12-10-10, 13:37
Hi John I wouldnt go changing your fluox dose yet...but take a diazepam about 2 hrs before your flight, also bach rescue losenges are good, they sell them online here in the shop. x:)

12-10-10, 16:15
Hi John welcome to the forum, hope you soon feel at home here:)

Vanilla Sky
12-10-10, 20:52
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x