View Full Version : The symptoms for oeshophoegal cancer and Acid related throat problems are the same

12-10-10, 10:30
Does this ever worry anyone else? It worries me something awful as pretty much all of the symptoms for both are the same and I've been getting them quite badly.... :ohmy:

12-10-10, 10:45
Hi ZMan
I have was diagnosed as having GORD (Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease) over 7 years ago and have been troubled with symptoms on & off during this time. I've had many tests including endoscopies and scans and yes, I worry about it. It kicked off for me after my second pregancy - I had rotten heartburn during both of them and I think being pregnant may have weakened the valve at the top of my stomach, causing reflux.
Are your symptoms worse when you feel anxious? I know from experience that emotional stress can make things worse.

12-10-10, 14:13
Had a dotor's appointment today, as always my doctor was fantastic. Said it may be H. Pylori and I've been put in for blood tests regarding that next week, I also have been referred to an ENT at hospital so they can look into the situation further for me.