View Full Version : Don't know if to see a doctor or not??

12-10-10, 11:17
I don't know whether to see my GP or not about this as it sounds really random and I don't want to look stupid.

My pubic mound hurts to touch, it feels bruised and it kind of aches a bit too. I am worried about PID or some other STD as somtimes I have bad smelling discharge (not all the time though) it happens only occassionally.

I suffer from IBS and recently had constipation and strained abit when going going to the loo, could I have pulled some pelvic muscle or somthing?

I hate going to the doctor as it stresses me out...so don't know what to do for the best...

Hazel B
12-10-10, 12:12
You will worry and stress until you know for sure, so you do need to see a doctor.
I get this type of pain and I think it is a fibroid that was detected by chance when I had an ultrasound for something else.
You can also visit your nearest GUM clinic, the one near me is a walk-in service and very discreet and professional.
Be brave and see a medic.