View Full Version : hello everyone im new to this site

12-10-10, 11:41
hi everyone,
Im new to this site and im so glad i came across it. I've been reading a few posts and i can sympathise and relate with the ones i have read so far.
i was diagnosed with anxiety disorder when i was in my teens, im now in my early 30's and have struggled with anxiety and agoraphobia on and off over the years, my main problem is dizziness and fear of being dizzy or fainting in public, this can really restrict my lifestyle sometimes. I'm a mum to 3 young lovely children and sometimes things like going to the park or to school events are really hard for me to do, when the anxiety and dizziness is mild i can manage okay with these things but when the dizziness and anxiety is at its worse i have to stay home until it passes. Ive had to cancel appointments, cant plan anything in advance due to the dizziness and although i have some good friends, they really dont understand the anxiety or dizziness, i think because people look at me and think im okay , if you have a broken arm or leg people can see the obvious struggle it can be, but when you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks there seems to be less understanding from people because the eye cant see it..,
It will be nice to hear from you and it would be good to swap any helpful tips etc in managing anxiety and agaoraphobia.

12-10-10, 11:43
Hi sugarplums

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

paula lynne
12-10-10, 11:47
Hi Sugarplums welcome :welcome:I can identify with every word you say! You sound like me! Ive had anxiety and panic for 10 years, quickly led to agoraphobia. No meds for it, just for bp and cholesterol now. Dizzyness and vertigo bouts are the worst arent they, so debilitating! I try to go out everyday, sometimes just my garden, sometimes car, sometimes asda (horrible), but I will never give up. I know you will find lots of helpful advice here because I have, its so nice to meet you, and feel free to PM me anytime xxxxxx:wacko:

12-10-10, 13:40
hi paula, aww im sorry to hear you have struggled with anxiety and dizziness too, yes the vertigo and dizziness is the most awful thing and then my mind starts to think of all the worse situations to be incase i feel dizzy and all the ''what if's '' , and most mornings its such a mental effort to take my kids to school, trying to overcome the anxiety and diziness , having to concentrate to try and walk normally when the ground and houses appear to be moving slightly. some weekends i am able to take the kids out swimming or town /park and then other weekends i can only manage the garden or local shops at a push. Ive struggled with supermarkets at times , i love asda and george clothing lol but even that can be a huge event for me sometimes. The kids are very understanding and patient with me and on a dizzy day we do arts and craft things or they watch a dvd with popcorn and they have their friends come over quite alot. Things like taking them to the cinema has to be done on impulse due to the dizziness as i never know from one day to the next when i'll feel dizzy again.... it's so frustrating!
And like you, i don't take any medication for the anxiety. Good on you for not giving up on getting better, i feel the same way, and refuse to let this anxiety or dizzinesss to rule my life forever, i've already wasted so much time on worrying, that it must be time soon to feel better from all this.
It will be great to keep in touch, sometimes you can feel so alone with these feelings. Love and best wishes

paula lynne
12-10-10, 13:43
I hate the "things are moving" stuff, sometimes it feels like Im walking on marshmallows!! Brilliant that you go the school etc, I havent been able to go to get my little boy for 3 years now, went to sports day but was off it on diazepam so decided that wasnt the best way to go...you actually get out and about quite a bit...youre doing incredibly well actually!! well done, keep going, keep in touch xxx:hugs:

12-10-10, 15:10
thank you, i dont feel like im doing that well. I am a single parent, my family arent supportive so ive had no choice but to take the kids to school and although i have a few friends , i feel embarrased asking them for help in taking them for me because they dont really understand the dizziness and anxiety. This morning i just about managed to get the kids to school, athough i had to tell the school office once i got there that i was feeling very lightheaded and could they walk my youngest son over to the other school building, . My daughter has an assembly coming up soon and will expect me to come and im already dreading it , i think because of the worry if i have a panic attack in there and how embarrassing it would be. I hardly travel anywhere , i cant go anywhere on on my own, if the kids are with me on the bus im fine but i cant get on a bus or walk anywhere on my own (apart from to the school ) and thats only because i have no other choice. i can definately relate to the walking on marshmellows, i have found dr claire weeks books helpful and i have to use positive thinking when it comes to taking the kids to school but sometimes its just a mental block .
I like your quote of the 'courage of a lion' so wise and true !! We have to reward ourselves for each thing we overcome no matter how small it may be and we can only do our best. I know my limitations of what i can and cant do ..xxxx

paula lynne
12-10-10, 15:16
I think the best thing for going to your school hall (aahh!) especially as you feel you have to go, is take a friend. Arrange it well in advance...you may feel uncomfortable, but you can do it.....you are doing better than you think I promise. Dr weekes is good yes, have you tried bach rescue remedy? They sell the new losenges here in the online shop, much more discrete than the bottle and dropper! xxx

12-10-10, 15:16
Hi sugarplums, like you im also new to this site, and also suffer from agoraphobia. I also get dizzy, and feel like i'm gonna faint, especially in really crowded places. Jelly legs are hard to walk on:D. Yes i have a hard time getting people to understand my condition too, especially family members. I swear if i hear " just go out" one more time..lol. This seems like a really good place to vent though, people seem really understanding and friendly too. Hope to hear from you again, take care.

12-10-10, 19:43
:D hi guys thanks for your replys

Thanks paula that's a good idea to take a friend along with me, and yes i do carry some rescue remedy with me everywhere i go and the pastilles are good, ive ran out of them haha so would be a good idea to buy some more. I remember i missed my sons 1st assembly a few months ago because i just couldn't stay there for half an hour trying to 'appear normal' and disguise my anxiety for that long, i was so gutted i didnt go but i was feeling really anxious that day, i managed to make sports day cos i figured i'd be okay outdoors and wouldn't feel so awkward outdoors. But i was fine and as always its the scary thought of doing it more than the actual event. thanks for listening xxxx

12-10-10, 20:11
Hi Paul..., i was reading your post earlier this morning and was about to say hi when i just realised you beat me to it ..
it's nice to hear from you and yes the people on here seem so lovely and friendly and understanding. Family can say such useless things sometimes. I guess when someone hasnt experienced anxiety or agoraphobia then they just dont get it. Getting a bike sounds a great idea. Ive been on a few anxiety courses and the lady who ran it told us that it's impossible to faint when your having a panic attack because while you're panicking...your blood pressure goes up and.... to faint your blood pressure would have to be low. And i have to keep saying to myself that in all the times ive thought oh crap im going to faint ....i never actually have fainted. Ive had anxiety for 16years but still keep learning about it lol. Hope to hear from you soon xx

Fly away Katie
12-10-10, 20:17
Hello and welcome to NMP x x x

margaret jones
12-10-10, 20:21
Hi and welcome to this fantastic site i have those jelly legs as well what colour are yours mine are lemon , you will find so many friends and get such good advice you will soon begin to feel better xxxx

12-10-10, 20:33
Hi Paul..., i was reading your post earlier this morning and was about to say hi when i just realised you beat me to it ..
it's nice to hear from you and yes the people on here seem so lovely and friendly and understanding. Family can say such useless things sometimes. I guess when someone hasnt experienced anxiety or agoraphobia then they just dont get it. Getting a bike sounds a great idea. Ive been on a few anxiety courses and the lady who ran it told us that it's impossible to faint when your having a panic attack because while you're panicking...your blood pressure goes up and.... to faint your blood pressure would have to be low. And i have to keep saying to myself that in all the times ive thought oh crap im going to faint ....i never actually have fainted. Ive had anxiety for 16years but still keep learning about it lol. Hope to hear from you soon xx

12-10-10, 20:53
Sugarplums, hello. Thats interesting about the blood pressure and fainting, i didnt know that. Yeah there is certainly alot to learn about anxiety and stuff. I havent actually fainted yet either, but ill keep that in mind. Oh the bike is great yes, i got like on friday, i been out on it 4 times already, with hardly any anxiety feelings at all. I even went into a shop and bought something, first time i did it in about 2 years. Theres just something about it that relaxes me, although im knackered afterwards,lol.
Hope to hear more from you.

12-10-10, 22:57
:hugs: thanks for the warm welcome guys xxxx