View Full Version : Eye Strain..Symptoms and Help

12-10-10, 15:59

I've been suffering with Anxiety over my eyes for the past few months now... Which has made me snowball into ALL other avenues of Health Anxiety...As there are loads of post about Eye's Ect..I thought this may help people?

I'm gonna have to try practice what I write now! lol xxxx

Symptoms of Eye Strain

Back/neck aches
Spasms/twitches around the eyes
Car sickness
Blurred vision
Double vision
Tired or sore eyes
Dry eyes
Watery eyes
Itchy eyes
Burning eyes (even when closed)
Heaviness of the eyelids/forehead
Reading problems
Lack of concentration

The best way to treat eye strain is to prevent eye strain (http://ergonomics.about.com/od/eyestrain/tp/eye_strain_prevention.htm) in the first place. Understanding the causes of eye strain (http://ergonomics.about.com/od/eyestrain/a/eye_strain_caus.htm) and how to counteract them will go a long way towards prevention.
Vision Correction
Perhaps the easiest way to treat eye strain is by correcting your vision. Either through surgery or the use of corrective lenses, instantly improved vision should be at the top of every one’s list. If your natural vision is off, your eyes have to work harder to focus. By enhancing your vision, you can take an immense amount of constant stress off your eyes.
So make an appointment with your optician and use technology to help you see the light. After all, glasses are some of the most ergonomic (http://ergonomics.about.com/od/ergonomicbasics/a/ergo101.htm) devices around.
Soothe Your Eyes
During a bout with eye strain, soothing your eyes can provide some immediate relief and reduce some of the accumulated strain. As a regular course of treatment, an eye-soothing regimen can help you cure more serious and chronic eye strain. Many standard beauty tips for reducing puffy or baggy eyes work well. In a pinch, you can also just close your eyes for a while. A nap works wonders.

How to Soothe Your Eyes to Treat Eye Strain (http://ergonomics.about.com/od/eyestrain/tp/Soothe-Your-Eyes.htm)

Train Your Eyes
Like most other repetitive stress injuries, exercising the muscles involved will help you deal with the repetitive nature of the injury and increase the threshold of how much stress you can take before it becomes an injury. Your eyes will also work better. Since all of the muscles involved are internal and hard to isolate, exercising them can be difficult. Eye exercises fall into two categories -- relaxation and strengthening. Both techniques are important. Just like stretching, relaxing the eyes is important for their health and effectiveness. Likewise, strengthening your eyes will give you increased capability to handle all the stress your eyes have to handle.

13-10-10, 01:49
Thanks nrowe, I think this will reassure a lot of people with eye anxiety! I've been getting most those symptoms in my left eye for a few months now, but I never even thought of eye strain til now! I do spend way too much time looking at screens latley and I'm positive I need glasses but I won't go to the opticians! Guess I'm scared what they might find. Weird that, I have major health anxiety but I'm scared of the people that can really help me like doctors and opticians!

But seriously, thanks for this post :) xx

17-10-10, 22:57
Hi poker face! I was like this for ages and still am! I kinda always think i'm the only one! And every post i search for even if they have the exact same as me, my brain still won't relax and say that i'm fine! I'm at the eye doctor again this tues and i'm scared all over again even though it.s a check up! I do think it is eye strain but because i bloody concentrate on my eyes and head i get so many more symptoms! It.s sooo annoying! I need a personal doctor to reassure me...honestly please go to docs or optitions as u may feel bad before u go but when u come out you'll be skipping down the street! I go through a month of thinking i'm fine then i freak out for about a week! Argh lol Nat x x x x