View Full Version : Heartburn & Indigestion

12-10-10, 17:05
For the past few nights I have found it very hard to sleep. I usually have no problem getting to sleep, but a lot of trouble staying asleep. When I do wake I usually find that I have quite bad indigestion/Heartburn. Does anybody else get this?

12-10-10, 17:35
Hi Oscar1,
Indigestion is the bain of my life and really gets me down, it comes and goes but when it comes boy I know about it.....now being one of those times, absolutely no idea what triggers it, did sort of think it was anxiety related but can't put my finger on it this time and it kept me awake the other night too was so bad. Take omeprazole which I thought helped but now I'm stumped...
Hope yours sorts itself out soon as I do mine! XXX