View Full Version : hyperventalation

12-10-10, 19:23
For the last couple of days I have felt really out of breath all the time. I suffer from GAD and panic attacks and have in the past suffered from hyperventalation. However I have never had it this long and I also have a pain in my chest on and off. I have been very anxious at the moment and wondered if you can feel like this for long periods of time and will it get to a point where I cant control it ??

20-10-10, 13:05
The likelyhood is that it is anxiety, but everyone needs to be checked out and diagnosed by a doctor to be on the safeside, and to rule out any underlying problems such as asthma, anemia etc.

Panic attacks can't kill you, but what do you mean when you ask about losing control?

Do you exercise regularly? Ask your doctor to see if you are doing the right things.


paula lynne
20-10-10, 13:12
Hi hun Im sorry you are stuggling at the moment x
Hyperventilation has its root cause in an imbalance between carbon dioxide and oxygen.
During panic, the body has to much oxygen (hyperventilating)
To address this, the body needs more carbon dioxide.
Get a paper bag (it doesnt have to be brown!). Only use paper. A macdonalds bag or bag from chemist that meds were in is fine.
Never use plastic as it gives off toxic fumes as its warmed up with the breath.
Put the bag over your face and breathe in and out for 5 breathesThen breath 5 times as normal.
Repeat, until panic subsides.
If you cant get a bag, or are caught short, use your hands. Its important to cover your mouth and nose using this technique, as you get a better seal. Hope you feel better soon xxxxx
I use a bit of laender on my palms before using my bag, although this can cause headaches in some peole. Try neroli instead. Best wishes x:)

paula lynne
20-10-10, 13:38
Lavender I mean...sorry x

25-10-10, 21:22
Hello there, I suffered/still suffer from hyperventilation, infact when i'm very anxious and panicky my mum says she can always tell because I always check my arms to see if the veins are raised, I still do this from time to time. When I used to look at my arms, if the veins were even slightly raised it'd send me in to a panic spiral until one day I stood next to my friends and realised that her veins were like this too, just because thats how her arms were! I still suffer from breathing difficulties due to anxiety as I'm sighing massivley all of the time and feel like I can never catch my breath. I hope things improve for you, just know your not alone xxx:hugs:

26-10-10, 14:48
Thank you for your replys :) I have been to the doctors in the past who said it was hyperventalation.
I do suffer from mild asthma but this is under control and does not give me any problems.
I always find when I have a spell of hyperventalation I then cant think of anything else and worry about it all the time causing it to become worse. If I am going out I worry about it coming on when I go out and then cos I get myself in such a state it comes on and I dont want to go out :(
CrazyCatLady - I always feel like I am not going to be able to control the fast breathing and I will collapse or need medical help ( I worry about this especially when I am out )