View Full Version : im a nervous wreck please help!!!!!

12-10-10, 20:24
ok im going out of my mind with worry. recently been anxious about cervical cancer, paranoid. my last result two years ago was negative. however, i cant shake the feeling. im on the pill. just now im not due my period i noticed some spotting when i wiped and on my underwear!!!! omg!! i started to panic!!!!! i did take my pill later than usual tho, normally take it round one took it at 7 today but i sometimes do that and this never happens. im literally crying here!!! plz help

12-10-10, 20:31

12-10-10, 20:40
You're doing what most health anxiety sufferers do, and that's finding any little problem, no matter how insignificant it is, and assuming that it's something deadly serious. I've done the same and had any number of catastrophic thoughts, for example: thinking that some slight chest pain means I'm about to have a heart attack. I'm sure the spotting is perfectly benign, but your mind won't tell you that, even after countless tests and reassurances.

This is just your anxiety toying with your mood and your thought patterns. It's difficult to get it into your head that little aches, pains and even slightly bleeding can be perfectly normal.

As a male, I can't really reassure you with your problem, however I'll wager a bet and say you're absolutely fine.

12-10-10, 20:41
Hi Misskat

I dont know about cervical cancer but i certainly know how bad health anxiety can be, I know that cold panic that comes when when you see something.
My Mum dies of bowel cancer some years ago and dad had the cancer but its undergoing treatment so every time i see anything unusual or feel anything unusual in my bowel or movements i get the same cold painic.
Please trya and sit and take slow breaths and remember the panic is caused bt anxiety not cancer

Im here if you need to chat xx


12-10-10, 20:45
Hi there, I know i totally understand about cervical cancer worries, I'm 35 and have been on the pill for nearly 15 years!! I recently had my smear test done, mine is every 3 years. All clear. I always believe the test is there to help, its better to have it done than not at all. Spotting can happen quite normally when taking the pill, so I wouldnt worry to much about this. I dont know alot more about ur circumstances , eg age, sexual history (not that u have to go into detail with that) But i'm sure you are at low risk. I would suggest talking to either ur doctor or a nurse they will be able to help or call cancer research helpline, u will find them really helpful.

I'm sorry I can't really say more than that, please dont worry : )

12-10-10, 20:46
Hello hunni. I used to spot sometimes when I was on the pill I think its normal or maybe just side effects of the pill maybe. I'm sure your fine babe try calm down and relax if your really stressed by this which it seems you are maybe visit your gp just to put your mind at rest. X

12-10-10, 20:51
oh god. im so distressed about it all! :( i dont think it ever happened to me before either its not big amounts just small amounts not brite red blood or anything. im 24 by the way, had last smear two years ago and the doc told me this week im fine till next year for a smear altho that helped a little bit soon enuff i was worried again as usual. im tryna comfort myself in the fact i took it later than usual. if it continues i will defo talk to my doc. so sorry about ure parents panicover :( must of been a hard time for u and yes that dreaded cold panic that washes over u there is nothing worse!!! im a bit more calm now but obviously gunna be thinking about it all nite

12-10-10, 20:54
Hello hunni. I used to spot sometimes when I was on the pill I think its normal or maybe just side effects of the pill maybe. I'm sure your fine babe try calm down and relax if your really stressed by this which it seems you are maybe visit your gp just to put your mind at rest. X

thanks :) kinda feel better now. i know sometimes spotting on the pill is normal. im on it nearly 8 months now. the thing is my gp said as long as i wasnt bleeding or anything he wud be happy to let me wait for smear, so then this happens. yikes

12-10-10, 20:57
Are you mid cycle? I get a similar thing around mid cycle for a day or two, and was told it is quite normal.

Mittelschmerz. Mittelschmerz is German for "middle pain," and it is a word that describes the mid-cycle pain that can accompany ovulation. You will experience mittelschmerz on one side of your lower abdomen around the time of ovulation, from 10-14 days after the first day of your last period. If you experience mittelschmerz around the same time as spotting, you are almost certainly ovulating. If you are trying to get pregnant, definitely pay attention to spotting during ovulation that accompanies pain. Mittelschmerz is nothing to worry about.

12-10-10, 21:00
Hunni its very common to spot on the pill I know I did. Take a trip to your gp if it doesn't clear up because you are distressed by this which been health anxiety sufferers is pretty normal for us I don't want you to go because I think something is up but because with reasurrance from your gp hopefully you will feel loads better. Chin up keep telling your self it not uncommon to spot whist on the pill. And like you said its not loads and its not bright red its dark so to me this sounds like old blood. Hope you feel better soon xx

12-10-10, 21:13
i have around 9 pills left in my packet so that wud be about rite. it proberly did happen to me before aswel but didnt take notice of it because i was prob focused on a different problem. it seems to be gone now. but did shake me abit was in tears and thats not good cuz ive a ten month old sleeping upstairs :( i shud be stronger. was talking to my mother and she said i shud get another smear just to ease my mind. i dont know tho