View Full Version : another girly problem

12-10-10, 22:53
I had my period last week - and during it I noticed white flaky stuff on my boobs. I squeezed my nipples to see if that was the cause, and you know like when you squeeze a spot, well thats what it was like - like flaky white stuff and the more I fiddled around the worse it seemed to get. Sooo I consulted good old Dr Google to see if this was common - and no, seemingly it isn't unless your boyfriend is overstimulating them or you are pregnant, or you are suffering from a pitutary tumour.. I've had a really heavy discharge down below as well lately but that I'm not so worried about as thats quite normal for me... This however, is plain weird - am I producing milk or imagining things? :blush:

12-10-10, 23:22
not just flaky white stuff but other stuff too. like the stuff u get around ur eyes at night

paula lynne
13-10-10, 00:22
Hi hun, wot i would do is...gently exfoliate them in the shower/bath, everytime you go in, and use e45 or similar after. do it for a week. Unless its red raw and oozing discharge, i suspect its ok...stop poking if you can. See how it goes love ok. x I find a lot of people getting "under the weather" at the mo...flaky skin, coldsores, low immune system..im sure its ok xx

13-10-10, 00:42
I get this often daisycake. I get the dry nipples and also sometimes a little white, milky discharge from it (sorry if TMI, lol)

It has never come to anything so I just put it down to good old female hormones. (dontcha just love 'em?)

I agree with paula lynne in just either putting a little E45 or aqueous cream on them for the flaking.
