View Full Version : What is this? Any ideas?

12-10-10, 23:13
Anyone got any ideas what this might be? Symptoms are:-

1.Pain/pressure/ache in my cheekbones which can get quite bad, It's mainly an ache.

2.It hurts next to my ears sometimes.

3.Chewing seems slower/harder.

4.Hurts more when eating.

5.Pain in the neck/neck stiffness.

6.Jaws ache and sometimes hurt.

7.Talking sometimes feels tiring and sometimes it feels weak/stiff when opening and closing the mouth.


Any ideas? Keep thinking what the hell it might be, TMJ? Something else?


12-10-10, 23:15
Been to the doctors about it yet?

12-10-10, 23:18
Been to the doctors about it yet?

Yes, Gave them a list of symptoms but they were more interested in other things.

12-10-10, 23:19
Your symptoms sounds just like tmj its to do with jaw muscles,do you grind your teeth and do you find it hard to open your mouth to wide?

12-10-10, 23:19
Tension.....................because you are anxious, i know that because i have all those symptoms, and many more. You are probably clenching when you are asleep too.

12-10-10, 23:23
Your symptoms sounds just like tmj its to do with jaw muscles,do you grind your teeth and do you find it hard to open your mouth to wide?

I was thinking the same, I also get a few other things, Opening the mouth does seem harder and it kind of hurts when i do so.

I don't grind my teeth much maybe now and again but maybe i do it at night?

12-10-10, 23:25
you probably grind them at night same as me.

12-10-10, 23:27
Tension.....................because you are anxious, i know that because i have all those symptoms, and many more. You are probably clenching when you are asleep too.

So if it's down to Tension will my medication relieve my tension? Because it hasn't done so far.

12-10-10, 23:29
I get alot of the same symptoms and they are looking into if its tmj related i get pressure feeling in my temples and around my eye as well.
Tmj is a anxiety related thing to.

12-10-10, 23:30
My medication did'nt ;o(

12-10-10, 23:30
If you are grinding or clenching your jaws in your sleep then probably not, i've had my probs for many years now and i have ALL of your symptoms, your meds have not taken away your worries yet so obviously the tension will still be there.

di x

12-10-10, 23:40
I'm going to take some Co-Codamol in a minute as i am in pain, My mouth, cheekbones, jaws and neck are hurting, My mouth hurts a lot is that normal Diane? It seems to hurt at the top/roof of the mouth.

12-10-10, 23:41
Im no expert on this, but if you are grinding your teeth during the night, isnt there something you can get to stop that? Like a bit to put in your mouth? I dunno, Just throwin ideas out there :D.

12-10-10, 23:46
Could i buy a mouth guard or something?

paula lynne
12-10-10, 23:47
Hi eggs sorry to post on here but I just want to clarify something...Ive been so worried about you today, been on here 7 hrs. :weep:
Your gp called you in for abnormal bloods...and said you were ok??
Why did they say it was abnormal?
Why worry you for a week over nothing?
Sorry love, am confused?! x

12-10-10, 23:51
Hi eggs sorry to post on here but I just want to clarify something...Ive been so worried about you today, been on here 7 hrs. :weep:
Your gp called you in for abnormal bloods...and said you were ok??
Why did they say it was abnormal?
Why worry you for a week over nothing?
Sorry love, am confused?! x

:weep: I did reply to your post on the other thread Paula.

The GP didn't call me in for abnormal bloods, I rang the surgery and the receptionist said i needed to go in for my results as something wasn't quite right or a bit high but i already had an appointment booked for today that was booked 2 weeks ago so i was going in anyway, I only found out the results on Friday so it was only 4 days ago.

paula lynne
12-10-10, 23:53
ok eggy sorry missed your other post...so WHAT was high then?? x

12-10-10, 23:56

I want you to try not to worry or focus on this tonight, i have the roof of the mouth probs too, but you will find they are not there constantly, you will, however, if you concentrate on them.

It took me a long time to accept these as anxiety symptoms, as it will you.

Sometimes reading your posts upsets me, only because i have been there, and i know nothing i can say will help you, not at this time, maybe.

But i will try to!

di x

12-10-10, 23:59

I want you to try not to worry or focus on this tonight, i have the roof of the mouth probs too, but you will find they are not there constantly, you will, however, if you concentrate on them.

It took me a long time to accept these as anxiety symptoms, as it will you.

Sometimes reading your posts upsets me, only because i have been there, and i know nothing i can say will help you, not at this time, maybe.

But i will try to!

di x

Thank you, I am in a lot of pain right now though, My mouth is hurting a lot and so is my face and jaws, I also feel very dizzy/light-headed and have been most of the day but it has got worse tonight.

I have just taken some painkillers so hopefully they will help but as it's Codeine i don't wanna get addicted to painkillers because of these constant pains.

13-10-10, 00:00
ok eggy sorry missed your other post...so WHAT was high then?? x

They never actually said but i think it was either ESR or CRP as i know they were 2 of the 3 things they were checking but it was only slightly high.

paula lynne
13-10-10, 00:05
So which result was high eggy? x:hugs:

13-10-10, 00:07
So which result was high eggy? x:hugs:

They never told me Paula :( but they said it wasn't anything bad anyway x.

paula lynne
13-10-10, 00:10
Your gp called you in for abnormal bloods, because something was high, but never actually said what it was??
You need a new gp eggs xx or something is very wrong here.....x:hugs: