View Full Version : White Floaters in Urine.

13-10-10, 07:47
Hi all,

Okay... here we go. Been dealing with anxiety my whole life but it's become much worse in the last year. I have constant health anxiety.

I've been having awful cramps, early period bleeding, dizziness, headaches, funny taste in mouth, etc. The last two months. I went to my doctor and he did a really good feel of my stomach and he diagnosed me with IBS.

I kind of expected that diagnosis so I agreed and moved on.

Now I've noticed that I have white floaters in my urine. I've NEVER noticed this before. It almost looks like bits of old toilet paper (small bits.) I'm kind of terrified. Could this have something to do with my cramps?? Could my doctors diagnosis of IBS have been wrong? Help!!!!

I had a urine analysis done a few months ago. Everything came back negative. No bladder/kidney infection at that time.

13-10-10, 10:04
Hi there. I get these often, if not every time I pee. Ive always put it down to old skin cells etc.
Have you done a pregnancy test?

Fly away Katie
13-10-10, 16:07
:O I have these aswell. LOADS!!! What on earth are they!!?? Its nice to know we are not alone x x x

13-10-10, 17:39
Me too I have loads of these all the time as well.

paula lynne
13-10-10, 17:53
Hi there, if urinalysis came back negative, it must be nothing to woory about...maybe dead cells from the urinary tract or the bladder. x:)

13-10-10, 19:14
Hi there. I get these often, if not every time I pee. Ive always put it down to old skin cells etc.
Have you done a pregnancy test?

Hi there,

I'm curious as to why you would ask about the pregnancy test? Is it because of the cramping/early bleeding? This all started happening about 3 months ago and my doctor at the time DID give me a pregnancy test and it came back negative. I became really scared though and I really did convince myself I was pregnant. I am on birth control pills and I've had 3 withdrawal bleeds since then. I was just wondering if you had experienced white floaters during pregnancy... etc.

Thanks :),

13-10-10, 20:17
Hi :) No ive never been pregnant, but planning to try at some point in the future. The reason I asked was because of the funny taste in your mouth. I read recently that it can be an early sign of pregnancy.

14-10-10, 00:08
my urine always has white fibrey looking bits in it. I presumed everyones did.

14-10-10, 00:13
i get them all the time. im not pregnant for sure!!!!
Im sure its harmeless.....................Hey gals why are we examing our pee????
are we mad????

14-10-10, 00:13
i get them all the time. im not pregnant for sure!!!!
Im sure its harmeless.....................Hey gals why are we examing our pee????
are we mad????

14-10-10, 07:18
lol! Yes I think we are mad. I'm doing things now that I NEVER would have done before!!

Thank you all so much for your reassuring words. I feel much better :). I'm probably just over-examining everything like I normally do, haha.


13-03-11, 07:01
I know this was posted a while ago; i have been suffering with health anxiety terrible since having my daughter two years ago. This was my recent panic and was so relieved to read this conversation! that white floaters are in fact normal, i have been in and out of the doctors getting everything checked out. My periods are irratic, suffer with dizziness, terrible girly cramps and i've never noticed it before i've been getting floating white bits when I go to the loo for a wee!!!! Anyway, re my other symptoms, i've had them all checked out and everything has come back fine. I think the fact I stress 24/7 doesnt help my body!!

13-03-11, 10:30
Hello, I may have an answer for you. I was getting this a lot when I had a really bad bladder about a year ago. I thought it was dead skin from the irritated bladder, but when I looked it up it said thrush! I constantly have a very mild thrush infection, I can only tell from the consistency of my discharge (sorry TMI) because I have no other symptoms. Apparently it is just the small bits of white stuff you get from thrush being washed out by the wee!

Sorry if that's a bit disgusting but at least it's an explanation! I only got that from one source, though, so take it with a pinch of salt. It's definitely not dangerous, though, because it's really common :).