View Full Version : Heart Panic! ;(

13-10-10, 07:52
So I suppose it's safe to say it's officially all kicked off badly for me again! I was in bed about 45 mins ago and I turned around to lie on my tummy and I got 2 missed beats one really fast after the other, I mean like literally in the same second. The 1st one was a light thud, normal missed beat for me but then immediatley after it I got a MASSIVE one, a thud so huge I swear to god it made a noise that I heard which has freaked me out no end. I'm sitting here now with a weird feeling in my chest and throat, uncomfertable pain in my chest and left arm (not agonising) and feeling really scared and wound up, pretty much about to cry. I've never had 2 missed beats 1 straight after the other in the same milisecond before and I've never had one so huge as the second one. I'm scared my hearts about to give in and I'm gonna die today. I don't know what to do I'm all alone in the house, I don't no wether to go get dressed now incase I need to phone an ambulance I'm just really really terrified ;( xx

This has all come about just as I was feeling all pleased with my body yesterday cuz I'd had heardly any missed beats for a few weeks except for when I was really poorly! Now I'm jus so scared again ;( x

13-10-10, 11:32
Hello hun only just read your post. How you feeling now? X

13-10-10, 11:36
Still really scared, I got 999 pressed on my fone alrdy jus incase and aspriin incase I do end up havin a heart attack! All chest painy and funny at the moment, dnt help that I'm all alone ;( Never had a missed beat as massive as that before its frightend me so much xx

13-10-10, 11:42
Ok hunny I'm sure your heart is fine I get missed beats or what feels like it anyway. Beacuse you habve panicked after these missed beats you may have started to over breath without realising it (I do this constantly) and then wonder my chest hurts. But over breathing from high in the chest causes me so much pain and achyness. I know your scared hunni and ill stay online till you feel a little better if you like. I know been home alone sometimes makes it harder xx

13-10-10, 11:46
Thank you so much, ur rly kind. Jus feel trapped in my own body at the moment, rly horrible feeling! I wanna run away an hide but I can't hide from myself! I've had my heart checked with ECGs but I've read so many people panicking incase they're unreliable I've started to panic that they're unreliable jus dunno what to do I feel right back at square one xx

13-10-10, 11:56
I know how you feel I worry about my heart all the time I've about 16 ecgs in a year and all came back fine that because I was up at a&e all the time saying or atleast thinking I was having a heart attack. Its my biggest fear. The staff told me my heart was fine I even had my gp refer me to a cardioligist who did furthur tests and he said my heart was fine. I get unbearable chest pain but how can it be my heart with all the tests they can't all be wrong. Its because stupid anxiety tells me its my heart and then there I go again thinking I'm having heart attack. I feel for you cos I'm going through the same thing and its awful. I'm here anytime you need a chat x

13-10-10, 12:03
That means a lot to me rly does! Hard to find people who understand exactly cuz everyones anxiety is different. It's jus so exhaustin ent it, never relaxing, I over analyze every sensation in my chest, even panic over heart burn! Then I get the missed beats that make me jump an clutch my chest and I'm set off for the day. :( Just annoy myself so much! I see my heart as this massive ticking time bomb just waiting to go off so I'm always on edge and always thinking about it, trying to prepare myself for it. Just wish I could accept that I'm ok and that this might probably never happen to me and stop all this now! :( xx

13-10-10, 12:04
Try and remember that these skipped beats are harmless. Have a read of the palpitations website page on the left again and it will explain it all and reassure you again.

13-10-10, 12:04
i get missed beats a lot - they happen when you are tired/stressed/too much caffeine etc - it is a horrible feeling but harmless x

13-10-10, 12:14
Thanks joanna yea they are very horrible! You would have thought I'd be used to them by now and not kick up a massive fuss like this! Guess old habits die hard huh :blush:

And Nicola, thanks. I jus read through that page again and you were right it reassured me a lot! I should have done that 5 hours ago! xx

13-10-10, 12:17
You will get there in the end. I know how hard it is. You will be ok hunni. X

13-10-10, 15:36
How are you feeling now hun? I've had many skipped beats in a row so I know how scary they can be. The first set I had made me freak out so bad that I ended up in A&E only to be told that I was fine.

You are okay you know. I know it's hard to deal with, I'm going through a pretty tough time myself with my heart but you have to believe that you are okay. ECG's are very reliable, sure there are stories about them not being reliable but these are far and few between. For every negative story you here, there are tons of postive ones where they have diagnosed appropriately. So don't let that niggleing thought get the better of you.

Everyne gets skipped beats, it just sounds like you have had a little intense batch, which I know are horrible. But in a normal heart skipped beats are harmless, it's the same as when you get a twitch in your eye, it doesn't mean you'll go blind. So don't worry about your heart packing in, you're far too young to be worrying about your heart. You are fine, more than fine even, you're completely healthy!

x :hugs:

14-10-10, 01:08
Thank you Ella that post was really reassuring! Comparing it to the eye was genius seriously lol, gonna use that next time I start freaking out about missed beats. I'm feeling a bit better now, I had a nap at about 6pm to try and take the edge off and ended up sleeping right through til 1am grr so annoying! Oh well start of a new day and all that! But really, thank you that was a lovley post! xxx

14-10-10, 05:01
Just had 2 more massive ones! I don't know why theyve gotten so huge and are coming in 2s all of a sudden!! So scary xx :weep:

14-10-10, 13:46


I used to get really freaked out by these..but have learned not to over time.. when i get them now, they just make me hold my breath for a second... but i just dismiss them as harmless (which they are). I know it's easier said than done...

I have had them for 2 years and am still alive! :o) If i can get over my fear of them i know that you can dear.

We are all thinking of you and supporting you mentally. :)


14-10-10, 14:08
Thanks dazza, rly means a lot! :) Hopefully I'll learn to accept them, jus havina hard time of it cuz they've changed into 2 beats one afta the other and gotten so big! ;( hope it doesn't happen tomorrow too! xxx