View Full Version : Tetanus, Dip & Polio booster shot - side effects?

13-10-10, 08:02
I've just had the t, d and p booster shot, is this a weaker dose compared with the ones you have when you are younger?

I don't remember ever having side effects from any injection - what is the likeliness with this one?

Please answer

13-10-10, 09:24
The most common side effect of this sort of vaccination is a sore arm, which I realise sounds a bit obvious! The last time I had a tetanus booster, I remember my arm feeling a bit heavy for a couple of days afterwards, but that was all.

13-10-10, 09:41
I agree with blueangel, i had a heavy arm for a few days after my tetanus.

13-10-10, 18:05
How long did it take for side effects to show?

13-10-10, 19:17
please anyone?

paula lynne
13-10-10, 19:22
Hi, usually 24hrs, sore arm, heavy feeling, maybe a temperature...all perfectly normal reactions I assure you x:)

13-10-10, 19:52
I just spoke to NHS Direct, they said that if someone doesnt see any side effects within 13 hours then its unlikely they will see any. Does that make sense?

13-10-10, 21:12
Yep, totally Piers. A reaction will be seen in the same way as an allergy, ie. very quickly!