View Full Version : Court appearance

13-10-10, 10:44
I am due in court on friday, Police stopped me as I got out of my car for swerving, I was 2 and half times over the limit. I suffer from panic attacks and depression, anxiety and social phobia, without my car my mental health will deteriorate. I am a single parent bringing up 2 children on my own, and i am the only driver in the house. I have valium from the doctor, but I know in court i will break down and wont be able to speak, as this has happened before, does anyone know if i can someone to represent me, i am seeing a solicitor tomorrow

paula lynne
13-10-10, 11:07
Hi, see if you can get a letter from your gp about your meds, and your illnesses, the court will take that into account. I see no reason why you cant take someone with you either. Good luck. Dont drink and drive! If you lost your license, youd be isolated, and as you said you rely on the car, so Im sure you wont be taking a risk like that again. All the best to you x

13-10-10, 12:51
Sorry but losing your license for drink driving is a small price to pay.
JMS please don't think I am having a go at you - you just will never forgive yourself if you have an accident and kill someone!!!!! I lost a beautiful relative to a drink driver and another had to fight for her life and still has problems six years on.

I also understand the difficulty with anxiety and depression, believe me. I bet you drink to help you relax and you won`t panic - infact alcohol will make it worse.

Getting a letter from your GP is a great idea and I reckon you need to ask for all the help you can get with alcohol and anxiety. You owe it to yourself and your kids to get help and stick to it. Imagine what your mental state will be like if you have an accident whilst drinking and driving.

There is a lot of help on here for yur anxiety and I really don't mean to offend you I just wouldnt wish what we have been through on anyone.

Good luck tomorrow and we are here to help youx

13-10-10, 12:53
Rough guidelines - twice limit - 18 month ban plus large fine, over 2 1/2 times, 24 month ban, large fine plus community service, and sometimes a curfew

13-10-10, 13:04
I sympathise totally with your problems jms. Depression and anxiety as well as social phobia are awful and make us do things ordinarily we wouldn't, but drink is not the answer as it is actually a depressive in the long run and doesn't help at all. I understand your worry too about losing your license, so am a bit confused as to why you got behind the wheel if it is a big issue being the sole driver and with your kids, etc.? Like ditzygirl said, I'm not having a go either, but you took a huge risk to yourself, your kids and others on the road and have now paid the price sadly. On top of all your probs this is the last thing you need hun, but I'm sure you know that.:weep:

I would definitely get a letter from your GP detailing your conditions in full and treatments as this will go a long way to explaining your state of mind, etc. and lack of clarity which the court will take into account. Also, fully explain all of this to the solicitor you see/represents you as they will doubtless be skilled at putting forward extenuating circumstances like yours hun.

I am sorry about your situation and wish you well.xxx

13-10-10, 14:11
Drinking and driving is something I too feel very strongly about, and I’m fortunate that my life has never been effected by it. So I can’t begin to imagine how strongly some people must feel about it. There can be no excuses and no exceptions because ultimately the consequences can take an innocent life.

However, we must remember that this is a panic and anxiety forum and jms has joined us for those reasons. It’s not our place to judge on other matters.

Hi jms, and welcome :)

As others have suggested, have a word with your GP and ask to get something put in writing. Your local CAB would also be able to advise, I’m sure. You could always ring them, or possibly email??, if going in person is difficult.

Good luck with your solicitor tomorrow, and on Friday.


13-10-10, 16:39
No offence was intended in my post JMS/Nigel - you have shown how brave you are by sharing with us. I just don't want you to make your situation worse for you and your family.

I really do understand the desperation of anxiety and depression and wish you all the luck in the world for the next few days.

take carex

13-10-10, 18:28
Hi Ditzy,

I don’t think anyone has said anything to offend. I just didn’t want people losing sight of what JMS had joined for.

Take care :)

13-10-10, 19:20
you have to get a ban thats the law what court are you going to
was you nicked before for be drunk in charge

13-10-10, 19:29
I am not sure she is coming back to read these answers as she said "bye" in another post.

Who knows though.