View Full Version : The worst of it's returned

13-10-10, 12:30
I've started to feel really awful with my anxiety again I've not been sleeping well, shortness of breath, panics, IBS, feeling really weird all since the weekend. This time there's been no real cause for the anxiety to trigger but I've had a holiday from work so maybe too much time to think.

I was starting to feel like my old self again now I fear how I will feel when I go out with any symptom I get particularly the IBS and the depersonalization/strange feeling symptom. One issue is when I worry these days I can worry all day without stopping which makes it worse.

Why is the anxiety doing this? :huh:

13-10-10, 12:52
I've had a holiday from work so maybe too much time to think.

I think you've probably answered your own question here. Holidays are often a peak time for stress as we're not doing the things that we normally do. Whether we like it or not, our brains actually quite like routine, and when we depart from routine, it can be unsettling.

Holidays are particularly bad for anxiety and stress because in general, we don't do as much; our minds are unoccupied and it therefore gives a chance for our undesirable thought patterns to creep in. Also, when you don't have much to do, we can start to think in circles - the technical term for this is rumination. This invariably makes any sort of anxiety or depressive feelings worse.

The key is having enough to distract yourself!

13-10-10, 12:55
Hi Phil,

Sorry that you're having a rough time.

Anxiety can be very cruel & seemingly strike for no reason. The majority of the time there is no reason for my anxiety other than feeling anxious about the anxiety itself.

It's horrible when you feel like you're making progress & then it hits again. I can relate to this. I was more or less ok for 2 years when it crept up on me at the end of August. I was bad for a few weeks & was then gradually feeling better only to start feeling terrible again just over a week ago.

Try to keep telling yourself that you will come through this - just as you have done before.

I hope that you feel better soon


13-10-10, 13:03
The road to recovery is paved with ups and downs. You need to be thinking about the fact you were actually ok before this episode. As time goes on the ups will be better and longer and the downs will be shorter and easier.
Keep your chin up youre on the way out of this illness!

Natural Mystic
13-10-10, 13:35
I've started to feel really awful with my anxiety again I've not been sleeping well, shortness of breath, panics, IBS, feeling really weird all since the weekend. This time there's been no real cause for the anxiety to trigger but I've had a holiday from work so maybe too much time to think.

I was starting to feel like my old self again now I fear how I will feel when I go out with any symptom I get particularly the IBS and the depersonalization/strange feeling symptom. One issue is when I worry these days I can worry all day without stopping which makes it worse.

Why is the anxiety doing this? :huh:
I seem to have worsened anxiety at weekends and evenings. At work, busy and surrounded by my colleagues I seem to be fine. And I just hate that "strange" feeling, the one you can't put your finger on, and the depersonalisation.

Had a really good run for the past year but feel it creeping back now.

13-10-10, 14:16
You have answered your own Questions Phil .TOO much time to think .. :lac:Also FEAR is the key word ..Anxiety feeds off it .Lose the fear and the anxiety will cease .All your symptoms will gradually dissapear because they are caused by anxiety .When youve been having a good period ,you can quite easily get into old habits .This is why you get relapses . T/c Sue

13-10-10, 14:26
All your symptoms will gradually dissapear because they are caused by anxiety.

I hope that's the case..I've sat so far two hours worried about my bowels again. Few weeks back I was obsessed over veins but now I can't stop thinking about incomplete feelings and worry I'm ill. And it could be anxiety but also fear if it is IBS as I hate alot of the healthier foods so I'd be screwed with this condition.

But most of this year any symptom I've got has been crushingly unbearable because in my head I keep worrying and can't take it.

And sleep wise there's no way I can get to sleep by 12am any night due to my current habits. I have tired but failed. Some of my symptoms pass in time as my head gets bored but I know I'm fighting them so could be prolonging them. :blush:

15-10-10, 12:50
Well it's been going about a week now..

Suffering disturbed sleep, sleeping on too long..ect..
Feel really weird about life, depersonalized.
Very down and depressed about life bleak view of the future.

I have been going for a walk daily which is a positive however I'm really worried about going out to the town or anything because I'll probably feel I'm going mad. If I'm out and everything seems weird and it's intense adrenaline I just feel safe at home..It's going to be hard to push myself..

I'm back at work tomorrow worried if I can last or maybe I will be ok. :blush:

15-10-10, 13:36
Update: No town today put if off until next week..hate feeling this way just worried how I can put in a shift at work tomorrow now..:ohmy:I feel really frustrated it's controlling me this way but I guess I know in the state of anxiety I'm in I'd probably not lasted long in the town.

15-10-10, 14:14
dont worry mate, seriously dont. my life is 100000 worse and it will never get better.

15-10-10, 15:46
Update: No town today put if off until next week..hate feeling this way just worried how I can put in a shift at work tomorrow now..:ohmy:I feel really frustrated it's controlling me this way but I guess I know in the state of anxiety I'm in I'd probably not lasted long in the town.


Sorry you're still feeling this way...hang on in there, and take pride in your achievements so far. As you've recognised, some days will be better than others - but that's life...

Keep on trying and if you remain positive, your frustration will lessen with time...

Take care,

Sue x

15-10-10, 15:48
dont worry mate, seriously dont. my life is 100000 worse and it will never get better.

Hi honey,

I read your post and your words concerned me.

If you need to chat, PM me at anytime.

Sue x