View Full Version : Accupuncture and anxiety

13-10-10, 13:37
I'm now into my second week of accupuncture and taking supplements for my anxiety.
When I went for my accupuncture session yesterday I was really anxious - lying on the table visibly shaking. After he'd put the needles in and attached wires for the electric pulses he told me: Don't worry you'll be feeling much better in about 8 minutes.
I ignored him thinking: ha! he doesn't know how bad this is - a couple of needles aren't going to sort it out.
About 10 minutes into the session I just calmed down without even thinking about it - quite amazing. It really works!
The rest of the day I spent dozing on and off at home(my husband gave me the day off) that's how relaxed I felt.
Today has been the best day I've had in ages and I have to put it down to the accupuncture because I know the supplements haven't had long enough to have any effect.
My head's still fuzzy and I still feel like I have flu or something. The Doctor says it's a build-up from years and years of anxiety. I think it must be a bit like post traumatic stress. I've heard about people who feel physically ill sometimes up to a year after going through a shock.
Anyway - just wanted to let everyone know about this treatment and how well it's going.:D

13-10-10, 13:58
Im pleased it helped you .I had a course of acupuncture and altho I found it relaxed me the effects didn last longer than 2 days at a time .Ususally only one .I did go to a very reputable woman who is well respected and qualified .But like all things what works for one isnt necessarily going to work for another .I wish you continued sucess with it .all the best Sue x

22-10-10, 14:07
I've now had three sessions of accupuncture and am into my third week of taking the supplements. My anxiety has lifted for the past four days. But my head is still fuzzy and I still feel like I'm getting flu. I've felt this way for almost three months now but I think it's a little better, possibly the supplements are helping. I think the fuzzy head thing is mostly what has caused my anxiety, worrying that there was something very wrong with me.
What has helped to ease my worries is that firstly it's never got any worse, in fact it's eased off alot and secondly it's not there all the time. So I've been able to reason with myself.

Does anyone else find that they feel the worst first thing in the morning and then gradually better as the day goes on until in the evening you feel completely normal? I feel this way and while I feel rough in the morning,I also feel quite ill, but as the day goes by, the anxiety lifts and so does the "ill" feeling until by night time I feel completely normal and healthy!
So this tells me that the anxiety is making me feel ill.
The doctor confirms this and assures me that I will soon be feeling better if I continue with my treatments and supplements.
I'll continue to post here and let everyone know how it works out.

California Girl
22-10-10, 14:20
Hi becky, I was wondering what supplements do you take? I am going to give Accupuntre a go, it sounds great :)

22-10-10, 14:28
I'm taking 200mg buffered Vit. C (powdered), Zinc, Pantothenic Acid 500mg, 300mg Magnesium and drinking lots of water, eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.
The accupuncture is great. I was very sceptical and quite scared but very desperate. Once I discovered how well it works I'm happy to go for weekly sessions. It really relaxes me.

California Girl
22-10-10, 14:30
Thanks becky, I will give all those a try :) glad your feeling better x

22-10-10, 14:31
I used to be like you Becky ..Alot of people feel worse in the morning ..Hopefully your treatment and vits will make you feel better soon .So the feeling good periods ,will start earlier and earlier .T/C sue x

22-10-10, 14:48
This site is great. I was thinking of giving accupuncture a go to see if it would clear my head etc but didn't know anyone who had ever had it so was unsure. Strange that you all mention you feel like you have flu as that's just how my head always feels hence I thought maybe I had an allergy... or worse !
Will definately give it a go now and will try the suppliments too.

Is accupuncture expensive and silly question but are there different types and when looking for an accupuncturist should they be members of anywhere to prove they are legitimate and properly trained ? Sorry for asking if it's an obvious answer.

22-10-10, 16:58
Hi Becky000,
This pattern of waking up awful & feeling better as the day goes on seems to come up a lot. Its like the movie Groundhog Day. The alarm goes off & we have to get up & do it all over again. :)
If i totally skip a nights sleep i will continue feeling better until after i have slept. An afternoon nap (im at that age) can also make me wake feeling hideous & disorientated.
A very wise former member brought up the point that when we wake there may be a few seconds of feeling ok then either we remember & it all comes flooding back or it all comes flooding back & then we remember.
I have not seen anyone come up with a stategy to improve the whole feeling worse in the morning thing or any theories on why it happens.

Tek Care
Simon (my vits & mins are ordered). :)

22-10-10, 17:11
Does anyone else find that they feel the worst first thing in the morning and then gradually better as the day goes on until in the evening you feel completely normal? I feel this way and while I feel rough in the morning,I also feel quite ill, but as the day goes by, the anxiety lifts and so does the "ill" feeling until by night time I feel completely normal and healthy!
So this tells me that the anxiety is making me feel ill.
The doctor confirms this and assures me that I will soon be feeling better if I continue with my treatments and supplements.
I'll continue to post here and let everyone know how it works out.

Im just like you Becky. I feel really ill, dizzy and detached from the world in the morning but as the day goes by i begin to feel better and by the evening im fine, ive been like this for years.

23-10-10, 11:38
I just wish somone would explain why and how it works - if I understood I wouldn't worry anymore

23-10-10, 11:40
Hi Becky000,
This pattern of waking up awful & feeling better as the day goes on seems to come up a lot. Its like the movie Groundhog Day. The alarm goes off & we have to get up & do it all over again. :)
If i totally skip a nights sleep i will continue feeling better until after i have slept. An afternoon nap (im at that age) can also make me wake feeling hideous & disorientated.
A very wise former member brought up the point that when we wake there may be a few seconds of feeling ok then either we remember & it all comes flooding back or it all comes flooding back & then we remember.
I have not seen anyone come up with a stategy to improve the whole feeling worse in the morning thing or any theories on why it happens.

Tek Care
Simon (my vits & mins are ordered). :)

Interesting but why does it happen this way? Doesn't anyone have an answer or a solution? I just find it so hard to accept without understanding.

12-11-10, 08:53
Wow.. I thought I was the only person like this. I am going to try acupuncture ! Does anybody feel like they are so foggy in their head that they can't remember anything. Like you remember some things, but it's all in scattered order ? I feel like my emotional memory is gone to. I've been this way for 18 months I had a lot of trauma.. does it ever get better ?

12-11-10, 08:56
Oh and I get really bad anxiety attacks and depression when I remember the trauma. I've tried meds.. but shot up my anxiety for 4 months and then came the bad withdrawal even tho I tappered nicely.. yuck !

13-11-10, 06:23
Wow.. I thought I was the only person like this. I am going to try acupuncture ! Does anybody feel like they are so foggy in their head that they can't remember anything. Like you remember some things, but it's all in scattered order ? I feel like my emotional memory is gone to. I've been this way for 18 months I had a lot of trauma.. does it ever get better ?
I've now completed 6 weeks of acupuncture which is the recommended number of sessions by the doctor. I now have to go once a month for what is called "maintenance".
I've also had 6 weeks of vitamins and supplements, resting when possible and eating healthy food.

I am feeling alot better. My anxiety has completely disappeared but that could also be because I feel less anxious about my health. The fuzzy, dizzy, flu-like feeling has become much less but is still there most days. But it's much less than when it began.

I found that when I went away last weekend for a camping trip it disappeared completely for two days. I'm a little disappointed that it hasn't cleared up completely yet as it's been four months now. However, things have improved and I tell myself that since it's taken 18 years of panic and anxiety to reach this stage, I can't expect it to clear up over-night and I must be patient.

When I see that you've had this for 18 months I realise that I'm fortunate that I found a doctor to help me at such an early stage. I can't imagine living with this for such a long time.

My understanding is that the adrenaline effects one's immune system and causes inflammation within the body. The doctor has been treating my anxiety and my immune system and I'm trying to do the rest with the supplements and a healthier life-style.

I'm convinced that this is helping and I'll keep on posting to let you know how it goes.

Good luck with your acupuncture if you decide to go ahead with it.

14-11-10, 02:41
Thanks for the response becky :D I'm so glad your treatment plan has had some good results ! I have more hope for myself now and I will get on the acupuncture asap and get the supplements flowing !

Take care !

14-11-10, 02:49
Hi, I've not had accupuncture for anxiety, but I'm so pleased something is working for you! Onwards and upwards..x

15-11-10, 09:15
Just wondering if anybody here ever feels anxiety so strongly, that you can't control yourself or sit down ? I get these bad migraines in the back of my head and my head shakes with this uncontrollable feeling. Then comes this weakness feeling and burning everywhere mostly in the chest.:wacko:

15-11-10, 09:21
Hi Spacey

Yes, I understand what you mean by this sort of feeling. it can be quite overwhelming at times and the best way I can describe it is "extreme agitation" which I can only assume is bought on by an overload of adrenaline.

The part of me that seems to get worst affected these days is my stomach. It seems to go completely rigid and then I become hyperaware of every twitch and gurgle.

17-11-10, 11:06
Yes, I get pain in the back of my head, from my neck upwards. Anxiety causes neck ache which then causes the headache. Chest pains too are very common with anxiety.
There have been times when I've felt so anxius that I feel completely incapacitated - can't seem to do anything. Then I make a HUGE effort and get myself moving - walking or doing something in the house. I find if I get occupied physically and mentally it really helps.
I also went through a stage where my stomach suffered - lots of cramps etc and the more I worried about it the worse it got. Now that I know what it is and I'm not worried about it it's disappeared - only to re-appear in my head. Dizziness and pressure which comes and goes depending on my anxiety.

18-11-10, 09:01
I'm really glad to know I'm not alone :) Wow.. that's tough becky, hate when it just takes over you like that, frustrating. I always try to find things to worry about and then it gets worse when I start to get the symptoms. Just battling a lot of derealization and depersonalization. I just don't see the point of anything sometimes, been a long time since I've experienced that excitable energy. I've been on meds.. but most of them just numb me even the lowest dose. Exercise helps, but hard to keep up with and tough when I'm so underweight.

18-11-10, 09:39
You certainly aren't alone - wow! it seems that half the world are suffering from this condition. What is encouraging is that it won't kill us and it can be controlled. I'm reading a book at the moment called First Steps out of Anxiety by Dr Kate Middleton and it's very helpful. I'm always looking for ways to recovery.
Treating the symptoms with drugs isn't the answer and I'm still determined to give the accupuncture a chance together with supplements, healthy living and - most importantly - I need to re-train my brain.
I can see after reading this book how a very small anxiety problem can grow huge if we don't tackle it.
Yes you're right - exercise isn't easy particularly if you can't eat much and have very little energy, but just a short walk can do wonders. The main thing for me is to keep myself and my mind occupied.

18-11-10, 22:36
Oh good advice :yesyes: yes I need to keep myself and mind occupied !!