View Full Version : My holiday to tenerife

13-10-10, 14:23
Hi all, as some you may knoe i went on holiday tues 5th for 1 week on a 4 hour flight to tenerife.
This year i have had a couple of bad set backs and the few weeks before i went i could just about manage to go to the local town (only in the car though, iwouldnt get out!)
I was petrified about going but i was going with 10 others and my partner being one of them so i really didnt want to let any one down.
I was having panic attacks just at the thought of going, i was scared of being 'trapped' on a plane for 4 hours i was scared of being so far away from home knowing i would have to stay there a week and the only way home was by plane! I wasnt scared of the plane crashing just being trapped, and what if something wnt wrong and i passed out etc.??
The morning of the flight came and i was given 5mg dizepam by the dictors to take so i took one 15 mins before the flight, i dont think this was quick enough for them top kick in. i got on the plane ans asked the cabin crew if i could have a paper bag and i told her i was a nervous flyer and she was really great telling me that i would be fine if anything happened they are trained to deal with panicy people.
Any way i sat there started to shake thinking "I WANT TO GET OFF!!!" and i started crying. Then the plane stared to move and i seemed to calm down (the tablets kicked in) Im glad i had the tablets and dont see them as a bad thing in any way like i used to.
The week went by and although i felt anxious alot of the time i didnt have any major panic attacks. A few nights i woke in a sweat and shaking with a rapid heart beat but i told myself that it was fine these were only sensations and they were not going to hurt me as they would of done by now a long time ago. This helped and i put on my relaxation CD which sent me back off to sleep.
I thought i would be fine on the way back as i was coming home but i got very nervous so took another tablety and managed to dose most of the way home.

Given the choice i would def not of gone but with determination and the "sod it, im not going to let this win" thought, im soo glad i did, it wasnt the most relaxing holiday but a huge acheivment considering i wouldnt leave the house 3 years ago!!:yahoo:
I really hope this gives others hope just belive in your self. xx

13-10-10, 14:28
Kerrie that is a great post as it offers so much hope to other anxiety/panic sufferers. It is such a huge achievement for you and you should feel very, very proud of yourself. I think that what is great is that when you know you have done it once despite your anxiety and panic, and lived to tell the tale (lol), it gives you confidence in yourself that you can do it again the next time.

Fair play to you hun!


eternally optimistic
13-10-10, 15:56


Glad you posted a reply as to how it all ended - have been thinking of you.

I am definitely going to ask for diazepam when I next get on a plane - the last time I tried, my husband went on his own with the kids three years ago as I couldnt do it.

I am like you with the the thing about it crashing, silly as it seems I am not fretting about that but feeling panicky in the air with no escape.

If you havent already Kerry, you should start writing a diary of your success.


26-01-12, 22:31
Hi, well done for going!

How does the Diazepam (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=108725&highlight=2mg) make you feel?