View Full Version : Why am i freeking out... its just a cold, i know deep down it is!

13-10-10, 14:59
I cant deal with it.... i really cant hack being ill!!

Iv got a cold at the moment.. had a sore throat on and off for about a week and have now come out with the other the cold symptoms - achy, sneezing, blocked nose, sore throat, tired etc etc

I just cant deal with it... im terrified something bad is going to happen!

The amount of colds iv had over the years, why cant i just deal with this one! I also work with kids so i get them all the time... but im just freeking out!

Iv got work tomorrow and friday and i really cant have time off - iv had enough sick days since i started! Im scared il get the sack if i have any more time off....
Iv also got to go clothes shopping tonight after tea with my bf which im terrified about.. what if i feel ill whilst im out?! I cant cancel.. he'l be so angry...

I just feel trapped... why cant i just be normal and get on with it and work through the cold just like people do everyday!

Iv taken some cold/fly tablets but theyre not really helping....

I also feel abit lightheaded and thats scaring me because i also get that with my anxiety... im scared il go out tonight and il get really ill and wont be able to get home! I just wanna cancel but i cant...

Its just a cold...!!!! Why am i so scared about this.... xx

Fly away Katie
13-10-10, 16:03
Why are you so scared? Cus you have Anxiety!! Silly anxiety....

Awwww, I know how you feel though. I get lots of colds.. and they always worrie me, and I dont even know why, I mean, everyone has them!!

Go out later! Youl have a great time, and forget about it if anything. You wont become really ill lovely. Its only a cold ;) Hope you feel better soon :hugs: x x x

13-10-10, 16:52
Thank you for your reply, i really appreciate it xx

Im just so scared... but being scared is actually making me feel worse, but i cant seem to calm down about it.... one big vicious cycle!

I have two bad phobias - being sick and passing out - I have never done any of these with a cold but it just heightens my phobias being ill because i always think this time it might be different... this time it could happen!

I know i have to make myself go tonight.. its just going to be so tough, i just dont want to panic in public!

Im sat here watching the news about the miners being pulled up to safety and im just like 'what right have i got to panic and worry over a COLD!! Theyve been through hell down there and are still coming up smiling' - definitly puts things into perspective xx

14-10-10, 02:11
Hey fairy, just read this! Hope you went out and feel better for it!

Don't worry I had something exactly like this all of last week and freaked out about it too, there's no shame in that! It is just a bug though, nothing bads gonna happen to you, bugs always go! :) You'll feel better in no time! xxx

14-10-10, 13:23
Thank you for your reply - yeah i made myself go shopping lastnight. Panicked the whole time and felt really poorly.. think i was just pushing myself too much.

Got to work this morning and manager sent me home because its all going round the office and theyre trying to stop it spreading cos everyones dropping like flies with it.. even she was on her way home cos she was poorly.

So im working from home this afternoon - still feel very ill, the cold has well and truly come out today and just feel awful but im trying to work through it.

Mums on holiday and dads at the hosp with my grandad who collapsed this morning, so im home alone which always increases my panics, especially when i know im actually poorly instead of it just being anxiety... but il try and get through it xxx

14-10-10, 13:49
Ohh I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandad, hope everythings ok! I'm home alone all day everyday and it makes me worse too don't worry. I was a nevrvous wreck when I was ill but I got through it and so will you! We're stronger than we think, think how much strength it takes for us to do normal everyday things that "normal" peope just take in their stride. How much we have to build ourselves up before we go out when everyone else just walks out of the door not a care in the world. We're incredibly strong people for being able to have our anxiety and still do these things! You're gonna be fine. :) xx

14-10-10, 14:38
Thanks Emma - im plodding through. Im trying to stay on task with my work so i dont think about it too much but it is hard.

You're exactly right when you say 'how much we have to build ourselves up before we go out when everyone else just walks out of the door' .... i try explaining this to people everday!! So im glad you mentioned it.... i try explaining to so many people that it takes me so much longer to get sorted in a morning because i have to gear myself up to opening that door.... must sound stupid to 'normal' people but for us, its a daily battle!

I am accepting that i might panic more at the moment whilst im ill because i have had panic attacks, anxiety, emetophobia, health anxiety, agrophobia etc for the past 11 years.. so no wonder im worrying more now im actually ill. It may just be a cold to anyone else... but for us, its so much more than that!

Thank u again for your reply, appreciate it xx