View Full Version : Saying hello

13-10-10, 16:08
Hello all,

I was searching for information on mirtazapine and came across this site - it is really helpful to read other people's experiences, as I have been feeling very alone lately. I'm 35 and have been treated for depression, anxiety and trichotillomania on and off since I was 18. It's a horrible vicious circle, but I am really depressed about my hair-pulling just now. I somehow thought by this stage in my life I would have learned to control it, but no. I have to wear a hat or scarf all the time to cover the damage and that makes me feel even more of a freak.

So I have just started the process of switching from citalopram to mirtazapine and experiencing horrible side-effects. It was a kind of relief to discover from the forum that these are quite common, and they may decrease, but at the moment I'm still shocked at the dramatic effect of this drug on my whole system. I wonder if I really want to be taking any medication at all when it's so scarily powerful.

I think I am rambling here, so will stop but look forward to sharing more with others on the forum.


13-10-10, 16:09
Hi anthromum

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

13-10-10, 16:19
Hello Joanna, im new to this site too. Its been really helpful for me, and i only joined 2 days ago. I used to take citalopram, but the higher the doseage i was on gave me really bad side effects, and my anxiety worse, so I decided to stop taking them as it didnt seem worth feeling like that. Everyone reacts differently i guess, you just gotta decide whats best for you. Anyway i hope this site is helpful for you, its full of friendly people with good information. :welcome:

13-10-10, 17:11
Hi Joanna welcome to the forum. Ive only recently joined but have found it to be a very supportive place.:)

paula lynne
13-10-10, 17:31
Hi Joanna and welcome aboard, youre not alone x:welcome:

13-10-10, 17:41
Hi keep going - we all need support at sometimes in our life and you will get it here