View Full Version : Same but different

13-10-10, 16:39
Hi guys and gals.

Just wanted to come on and share a few of my recent worries with you all, hoping for some reassurance really.

Recently i seem to have lost alot of my old anxiety stresses, the usual wobbly stuff, and heart pounding, and breathing problems.

But in the last week ive experienced a real low, i've felt almost rock bottom for some reason. My wife has started working long hours and my daughter started full time school, so im spending alot of time alone at home at the mo, and i think my mind is working hard to push me back down to where i used to be.

My problems at the moment are that im convinced im seriously ill, for some reason, even tho, to be honest i have no realy symptoms. I am constantly thinking there is something wrong.

I've felt so tired this week, not really physically, just like i could sleep for england. and my body feels kinda numb really, thats the best way to describe it, like im walking around in a daze. Also i am obsessed with my eyes at the moment, im convinced that the whites of my eyes are going yellow. My wife says their not at all.

I dont know why ive gone back into my self obsessed ways, perhaps its just my way of creating something for me to think about whilst im alone and bored.

Physically, ive been feeling quite spaced out and jumpy, and i havent really got an appetite. I think i may be a bit depressed.

Any advice would be great, or just tell me that im not going to keel over and die.

Thank you

13-10-10, 16:54
Hi there,

The symtpoms you are describing are classic signs of depression and ones which I can very much relate to. I always find that when you are alone with just your thoughts, they pick up on every little symptom, any sign of pain, any mention of an illness on tv or internet and you think you have that... which is of course what I do. With just you and your thoughts your mind is busy trying to focus on something bad to pick at. I have exactly the same thing, especially the tiredness, I too can sleep for 12 hours a night and still be tired, this is just due to your adrenalin pumping away and all that worry you are putting on yourself.

Im trying to find a way out of this too, so sorry I couldnt give you any help - just wanted you to know that I understand and can sympathise with you.

Peace and love

13-10-10, 17:00
Thank you for the reply.

Its always refreshing to know that someone can relate.

14-10-10, 02:02
Hey billy, sorry to hear you're feeling so bad at the moment. I spend most days alone too cuz everyone works day times. My family and friends! I've noticed a change in myself since I've been alone too. I get too much time to think and too much time to over analyze every little thing my body seems to do. Plus I'm always scarder when I'm alone incase anything happens to me so I'm already set up for an anxious day before anyone even leaves! You need to try and tackle the bordem so you stop thinking the way you are. I play games, read books, watch TV, I even CLEAN!! :ohmy: Started to try and push myself to going out for little walks alone. I admit I havn't this week cuz my anxietys sky high again!

Remember, you've got the house allllllllllll to yourself! You can do whatever you want so enjoy it! Time flies when you're having fun so they say. Maybe start a new hobby like painting or drawing, something you can do in your comfort zone but still have fun with. The days are yours not anxiety or depressions! xxx

OH, and you're not going to keel over and die. :winks: xx