View Full Version : Anyone got/had TMJ? See my symptoms.

13-10-10, 18:02
Since i got up today i feel terrible, My face, mouth, throat problems are getting worse and worse.

I don't know what's going on but i'm wondering about TMJ.

I don't know if all these symptoms are caused by TMJ but these are my face/mouth/ears/throat symptoms:-

1.Jaw clicks/cracks when i open my mouth
2.Dull achy pain in the face/cheekbone area constantly
4.Feeling of pressure in my face
5.Feeling of fullness/pressure in my ears
6.Feel like my breathing is affected
7.Problems chewing/discomfort, Feels like my jaws/mouth are weak
9.Neck ache/stiffness
10.Mouth pain
11.Difficulty swallowing
12.Problems with my eyes
13.Twitching in the face/eyes/jaws.
14.Mouth/face generally feels uncomfortable.

I can't handle much more of this, These symptoms are constant and driving me mad and having a big effect on my life.

13-10-10, 18:23
eggy, i mentioned TMJ to you in your post regarding all the symptoms going on with your aching jaw, ear pain etc, but you didnt reply.

13-10-10, 19:06
Go to your dentist tell them whats going on they should x-ray you and tell you if they thinks its jaw related.
Failing that speak to your dr again,i have possible tmj and they have referred me to a neuroligist as mine has been going on for ages so need to get to the bottom of whats causing it.

13-10-10, 19:08
Eggy - please don't tell me that you know have been researching TMJ as much as MND.

You are not doing yourself any favours here to be honest.

13-10-10, 20:12
I haven't been diagnosed with tmj but a lot of my symptoms are similar to yours. Try not to worry sounds like anxiety x

13-10-10, 20:22
Eggy - please don't tell me that you know have been researching TMJ as much as MND.

You are not doing yourself any favours here to be honest.

The reason why i suggested that it could be tmj dysfunction is because it can cause all the symptoms that he has in his jaw etc.
Its usually a symptom of an underlying condition, usually anxiety as apposed to a dysfunction itself. Sometimes it can be a misalignment of the jaw or trauma but usually its caused by tension and keeping the jaw clenched too much..
Ive had it for years and i thought it might move eggy away from some deadly disease......... for a while anyway.

13-10-10, 21:22
Eggy - please don't tell me that you know have been researching TMJ as much as MND.

You are not doing yourself any favours here to be honest.

Nope i haven't a few people mentioned TMJ to me on here, I am in constant pain and struggling a lot, I've even choked on a few things today which worries me even more.

This ache in my face/cheekbone/jaws is constant 24/7 and even taking Paracetamol doesn't touch it, I can't take Ibuprofen due to having Asthma.

13-10-10, 21:23
Well all you can do is go back to the docs then or accept it could be tension and/or teeth grinding.

13-10-10, 21:30
Well all you can do is go back to the docs then or accept it could be tension and/or teeth grinding.

I will go back to the doctors about it.

14-10-10, 00:57
Try some positive Googling Eggy. Search for "anxiety" and "muscle tension". Add "jaw", "teeth grinding" etc to narrow it down but add "anxiety" to every key word (you may even get re-directed here as we're so efficient lol). You might not believe it but anxiety is implicated in many if not ALL of the symptoms you're getting.

You must allow the possibility to exist for you to recover from this nightmare you're going through.

14-10-10, 05:52
I have the samething ..Its very bad at the moment..every symptom

14-10-10, 13:35
I am so so so frustrated, Last night i was awake quite a lot with problems to do with aches/pains in my mouth/face/jaws and bad dizziness and this morning i got an appointment to see a doctor, It was a doctor who i had never seen before.

I went there specifically about these facial problems and she said how comes they have never been mentioned before? I said what? I said i have mentioned these problems the last 4 times i have been here and 2 doctors even kept my list of symptoms that i had written down and it was clearly written on there, 1 doctor even said they would scan that list of symptoms.

Anyway this doctor was crap, Looked in my ears quickly then said i'll give you a nasal spray but it might not do anything, That was it, No explanation, No thorough investigation nothing, So annoyed, I feel like i am banging my head against a brick wall right now.

14-10-10, 14:34
Some doctors can come across as quite dismissive but I'm sure they wouldn't overlook anything they thought was serious. They will also be aware that you're suffering from HA as you've been in so many times. You have to wait for your med to start working. How long have you been on it now as it doesn't appear to be helping much? This is something you should definitely talk to your GP about.

Also, have you searched for anxiety and the symptoms you're getting as I suggested in my previous post? You should start doing positive things Eggy.

14-10-10, 14:40
Some doctors can come across as quite dismissive but I'm sure they wouldn't overlook anything they thought was serious. They will also be aware that you're suffering from HA as you've been in so many times. You have to wait for your med to start working. How long have you been on it now as it doesn't appear to be helping much? This is something you should definitely talk to your GP about.

Also, have you searched for anxiety and the symptoms you're getting as I suggested in my previous post? You should start doing positive things Eggy.

Thanks for your post Melancholia.

That doctor was very dismissive, They were an hour behind schedule and i waited all that time for something like that? I was angry very angry.

I have been on the pills for just over 3 weeks now, I keep thinking maybe my symptoms or some of my symptoms aren't anxiety related hence why nothing has changed since being on the pills.

They must be getting fed up of seeing me in there :-) But i'm going to keep on going until i get to the bottom of things even if it means going once or twice a week.

14-10-10, 15:26
Hmm, well 3 weeks isn't long enough for it to fully kick in. It can take up to 6 weeks or more.

I know what you mean by thinking some of your symptoms may not be anxiety-related - ie psychosomatic - but with time this prolonged stress/anxiety will cause physical abnormalities too. Mind and body are connected. That's why it's so important to get anxiety levels under control.

14-10-10, 15:36
Hi Eggy,

I was reading something on another site last night and spotted an article about hypochondria. Before I knew it I’d read the whole thing... and it was all your fault!

So now I’m gonna make you read it too :winks:
Stop Being a Hypochondriac (http://www.uncommonhelp.me/articles/stop-being-a-hypochondriac/)

Take care,

14-10-10, 15:50
Nigel :sign20:...........Good link ..:D

14-10-10, 16:05
Thanks Suzy,
I think Mark Tyrrell is a very talented guy:okay:

14-10-10, 17:05
i was diagnosed with tmj years ago - my dentist specialises in it - i once had 6 months terrible facial pain plus 3 yrs of daily headaches, clicking jaw etc. i paid hundreds for a mouth guard and to have my teeth re shaped. my dentist then sent me to someone even higher up for a second opinion as i still got a lot of headaches - he told me to throw the mouth guard away lol - he says that yes - in a small number of cases it can be caused by a trauma etc and that this is quite straightforward to treat but that no ones bite is "perfect" and that technically we should all have tmj but obviously not everyone does and so in his opinion - in 99% cases it is kicked off by stress and it will relieve itself the more underlying stress/anxiety is dealt with so i would be very wary of being labelled with tmj and thinking that treatment for tmj will cure you when the underlying reason is really stress/tension.

my face pain made me want to put my head in the oven lol but it did resolve itself when i decided to accept it as tension/anxiety and tried to not give it any attention. it really is quite amazing the level of pain/amount of symptoms stress/anxiety can produce and unless you have bashed your jaw/had recent whiplash etc i would pretty much say this is just the way that anxiety is affecting you - that your jaw/head is your weak point and that unless you learn to accept your symptoms (because every worried thought adds more adrenalin hence intensification of symptoms) and lower your stress levels - you will remain trapped in the fear-symptom-fear cycle x

15-10-10, 17:13
I had my ears syringed today but unfortunately nothing has changed, I am still having a feeling of pressure in my ears and in my face and cheekbones and jaws so it can't be anything to do with my ear wax.

15-10-10, 19:49
I think you're gonna die Eggy, but not before the rest of us :) x

16-10-10, 01:49
I think you're gonna die Eggy, but not before the rest of us :) x

I'll probably be the first :weep:

16-10-10, 10:30
You know what they say about a creaking door?

paula lynne
16-10-10, 11:09
Needs oiling?? xxxx

16-10-10, 11:18
If that would make it quieter... sorry Eggy, I'm just kidding :hugs: