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View Full Version : Been taken off Cipralex

13-10-10, 18:04
Doc decided I should come off my escitalopram which I have been taking for a year and a half for anxiety.

I was told to take one, 10mg, every other day, I didn't like that so I decided to take half, 5mg, a day. I had my last tablet 1 week ago after seeing another Doc when I went for a repeat, and he said 5mg was almost a homeopathic dose so I should just stop taking them and ride it out. I thought he might have given me more tablets and I could have had 5mg every other day.

I feel like crap. Nauceus, light headed, dizzy, shooting feelings of numbness/pins and needles in my head. I feel the Doc made the wrong call, obviously he doesn't know what this feels like!!

How long can I expect to feel like this?
I read 12 days somewhere, I hope thats wrong!

14-10-10, 22:30
They dont give a damn how your going to feel .You needed to stay on the 5mg for longer Abt 3-4 weeks to avoid bad withdrawals .Its in your system and it will take about 4 weeks to stop getting most of the withdrawals .But some feel better sooner others longer .Everyone is different .Hang in there it will get better .hugs Sue :hugs:

15-10-10, 17:03
Thanks Sue :)