View Full Version : Tea & Coffee

13-10-10, 18:24
Hi guys. I was just curious if anybody else has stopped drinking tea and coffee, or if anyone drinks decaf tea. If so is there any tea brand in which the decaf tastes just as good as the regular. I really love tea, but I know I drink too much and it more than likely is adding towards my problems sleeping. Thanks.

13-10-10, 18:47
Hi Oscar,

I've stopped drinking coffee and have seen a definite improvement in some symptoms like palpitations. Whether this is coincidental as I have restarted meds I don't know, but I do feel well on it.

I haven't totally given up tea (I love it too much!) but have cut it down and substituted some cups of it for chamomile tea instead (with a spoon of honey) and find that really nice as an alternative.

I don't know about decaf as I am still on the normal stuff, but will be interested if anyone knows a good brand as I might try it myself!x

paula lynne
13-10-10, 18:48
Hi guys, I saw decafe tea in asda the other day x

13-10-10, 18:55
Asda own brand decaf tea tastes like any other tea,I always drink it

13-10-10, 19:36
I drink tetley decaf tea, I would go as far to say its as good but its okay. I didnt know asda did decaf tea I will give that a try

13-10-10, 19:46
Oscar you tried fruit and herbal tea's? Sure they look like the sweepings from a budgie cage but they are really nice once you get used to them, and totally caffeine free.

13-10-10, 20:36
Yorkshire tea do a decaff ,its really nice ...Sue

13-10-10, 20:40
I stopped drinking anything containing caffiene some time ago, tea, coffee, fizzy drinks, chocolate and I have to say the only one I miss terribly is the chocolate. I havent found a good alternative in the drinks department up to now, not a lover of the decaf stuff. Im quite happy on water and milk! The reason I stopped was my palps were going through the roof and now Im caffiene free they have certainly calmed down...or maybe I just handle them better, either way Im feeling much better now. x

13-10-10, 22:56
I have cut out regular tea and coffee as I found the caffeine was affecting my anxiety. Decaf coffee doesn't taste any different to regular coffee to me but with tea, PG or tettely, or in fact most brands do a decaf version. I'd recommend PG tips though, that's quite tasty. You might like red bush tea another name for it is roobosh. It's like a breakfast tea. Most supermarkets sell it. Bamboo is a nice coffee substitute.

13-10-10, 23:03
I drink about 5 or 6 cups or regular tea everyday and ive never had any problems with it and my anxiety. Just have to pee alot, lol.