View Full Version : Agarophobia!!! need help to manage it!

13-10-10, 19:50
I have been diagnosed with Agoraphobia , G.A.D , social phobia and deprisson and have sufferd from panic attacks for years now!
does anyone have any advise or help for me, so i can deal with it better!!
feel like i am going mad or something!

13-10-10, 19:52
Hi gavin87

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
13-10-10, 19:55
Hi Gav, Ive been agoraphobic with panic and anx for ten years now. It is managable, and does improve, but youve got to "take steps" so to speak.

Try hanging out in your garden for 5 mins, and build up, then walk down your street, and build up...keep going. Dont let set-backs stop you. You will get anx and dizzy etc, but you will not die. You werent born like this ok.
Remember the time you were ok...and aim for that.
Try bach rescue remedy lozenges.
Use an mp3 player and sing or hum as you walk.
You are a worthy person, put the work in, and it will pay off.
Im with you all the way.
YOU CAN DO IT :yesyes:

13-10-10, 19:57
Hi Gav,

Welcome to NMP.

Check out the left hand side of this page, you'll let loads of good information there.

Have you had any therapy at all?

I personally would recommend Dr Claire Weekes books, she was a marvellous woman and she has helped my agoraphobia massively.

di x

13-10-10, 20:06
hey diane
i have had c.b.t and i think that made me worse! the doctor wants me to take antidrpresent tablets! -he said it will help me in the long run!
have you had agoraphobia for long?

13-10-10, 20:08
Mine started almost 3 years ago and i am no where near as bad as i was, but its only been recently i've had the help of the Dr Claire Weekes mp3 downloads and they have been brilliant.

Are you housebound?

di x

13-10-10, 20:10
hi paula
i have tryed the rescue remedy (dont think they work for me!)
I do go out but i get all the phyical symtoms!!
and that is what i am struggling with just now!
the jobcenter have cut off my employment and support! becouse they think i am fit for work! the jobcenter are not very understanding about mental health side of things at all

13-10-10, 20:13
no i am not house bound! sometimes i dont wanna go out but i make myself!
i have 3 kids and the youngest is only 3 weeks old!
so i need to do it for there sake!

13-10-10, 20:32
And that is exactly the way to beat agoraphobia.

You have to keep going out, no matter how short a journey, but keep doing it.

Give yourself a goal, just a small one and keep doing it.

I have been on trains since my agora, i've been to the races were there were thousands of people, i have done so much and the only way forward is to keep going out.

di x

13-10-10, 20:36
hi diane thanks for that advise:)

13-10-10, 20:38
hiya gavin87:welcome:, i know how you feel ,i also have 3 children and i have to make myself go out and do things, like you said you have to for your kids sake , mind you sometimes we can get out at weekends and other weekends we stay home or in the garden. lots of friendly support and advice on here


13-10-10, 21:37
Allright Gavin. I've been agoraphobic for almost 4 years now, and pretty much housebound for all that time. I could manage to go out in the garden but any further and id start getting really uncomfortable and just wanting to run back in the house. This'll sound a bit stupid, but i just recently bought a bike, and its done me a world of good. I got it last friday and i been out on it nearly everyday. Even managed to go in a shop by myself, which i hadnt done for 2 years previously. I think what Paula said about remembering back to a time before the anxieties is really accurate. The thing about me with the bike is it kinda takes me back to childhood days, when we didnt have any worries, and i feel a bit carefree and relaxed when im on it, which is great for the anxiety. Maybe you need to find something like that for yourself, that makes you feel carefree?