View Full Version : Manic, mania and wierd feelings

13-10-10, 19:56
Please can you help me, I am having wierd sensations that I am feeling which I know are stupid but pester me constantly,
I am agitated and feel on the edge, I cant calm myself and cant concentrate.

The feelings are that something is there in the corner of the room and when I turn there is nothing there
just the curtain moving from an open window. When I am agitated I feel that there is half of my brain whirlying like it is full of spiders.
Has anyone felt like this or is it just me?

20-10-10, 13:01
This is quite common with anxiety Anne, so please don't be scared.

What are you doing to treat your anxiety? CBT, meds, diet, researching, exercise etc. I can't stress enough that caffeine and alcohol should be cut down, if not out completely if you are feeling agitated.

Adrenalin can be a horrible thing :weep: Regular exercise can help get rid of some of it.