View Full Version : the jobcenter and mental health

13-10-10, 20:20
who thinks that the jobcenter are not understanding when it comes to Aroraphobia ect....?

13-10-10, 20:31
Me :mad:

13-10-10, 20:34
i think a monkey would be more understanding than the lot at the jobcenter!!

13-10-10, 20:39
They are not understanding for a lot of things gavin.

I hate the place with a passion and am LOATHE to claim benefits again because of that.

When I was laid off a few years back from my bank nursing work I had to claim JSA for a while. Talk about interrogation. They asked me everything bar the colour of my undies. When they asked my line of work and I explained that I was a Paediatric Nurse they kept foisting RGN positions down my throat when I am not an RGN but a children's nurse which I explained several times to them was a completely different kettle of fish. They didn't grasp that as a specialist nurse I wasn't allowed to nurse adults. THICKOS and you would think as job advisors they would ruddy know!

I found the whole thing demoralising and depressing. I wasn't even suffering with anxiety at that time and I can only imagine the treatment mental health sufferers receive.

What infuriates me is they will offer anything and everything to so called incapacitated and 'disabled' apparent 'back pain' sufferers who claim but genuine needy folk like those with mental health problems and agorophobia get diddley squat!!!:mad::wtf1:

paula lynne
13-10-10, 20:41
Im going for my medical in november so I can continue getting incapacity, they know Im agoraphobic, but sent a map, and suggested walking, the bus, or car.....doh. Im really scared about it! Im an ex-nurse who wants to work, I just cant!!:doh:

13-10-10, 20:52
hi paula
yeah i had my medical about 1 month ago and they wanted me to go to a diffrent town about 30 miles away for it!
the qustions they ask are not at all relevent!!!!!

paula lynne
13-10-10, 20:55
Its making me get anxious just thinking about it....oh well, got to put it out my mind. Its not like we WANT to be like this for Gods sake, they dont understand at all...hope you feel better soon and congrats on the birth of your lil one x:)

13-10-10, 20:59
hi debs
yep the jobcenter are not top of my list just now!
the thing that really makes me angary is that if you take drugs - witch is your own choice then become hooked you get every single benifet under the sun and manage to feed your habbit and have money left at the end of the week!
but no people that acaully could do with there help dont seem to get any support from them!
i have 3 kid and the youngest is 3 weeks old and they cut my money off and my housing has been suspended!! :mad:

elf maiden
14-10-10, 19:54
the jobcentre doesnt care about mental health problems. they think u are either lying or that the problem will magical disappear :mad:

14-10-10, 20:08
hi debs
yep the jobcenter are not top of my list just now!
the thing that really makes me angary is that if you take drugs - witch is your own choice then become hooked you get every single benifet under the sun and manage to feed your habbit and have money left at the end of the week!
but no people that acaully could do with there help dont seem to get any support from them!
i have 3 kid and the youngest is 3 weeks old and they cut my money off and my housing has been suspended!! :mad:

Hi Gavin

I don't want to hijack the thread and I can see you're angry but many people make mistakes in their lives and that includes drugs.
They don't get every single benefit under the sun, some are desperately trying to get their lives sorted out and I don't think many people that started out with the intention of becoming an addict.

I always hear the same moans about addicts but there are plenty who have no problems with drinking or smoking their benefit money...there are also plenty that manage to afford petrol for a car.

I'm not out to cause an argument, just telling it like it is. And yes, I know what it's like to be on benefits..I just hate to see everyone tarred with the same brush.

14-10-10, 20:17
Just my opinion....I totally agree with Ladyird. Everyones situation is unique.
Addiction is an illness, just as mental health is an illness and you don't get every benefit going...no more than Incap Benefit anyway.
My mum died through alcoholism last year- after 30 years drinking, and working too and never claiming once - and it is most definitely an illness. The suffering she went through was terrible, just as mental health problems can be. She never set out to be an addict.
Moving on..many agoraphobics are being forced off Incap Benefit off to ESA and JSA. If they can see you can get to the assessment to see them then they will wonder why you cannot get to a workplace. Ask for an interview at home, because you can ask for one.

14-10-10, 20:51
I have written to my MP about this today - probably won't hear anything but the system doesn't work for anxiety and depression sufferers. Infact the handling we receive is detrimental to our recovery.

I'll let you know if I hear anything.

14-10-10, 20:58
Good idea, Ditzygirl ! Well done you for doing something about it all !
Maybe we should all sign a petition? Personally I think the goverment have their minds made up, but at least we will express how we all feel....those who do feel like we do anyway :unsure:

15-10-10, 10:37
Welcome to the forums :) I've never had to go into a job centre to get benefits, but I have been to one of the benefits agencies in my town and ended up crying and feeling like there was no hope because they told me I wasnt ill enough to get benefits. Which was wrong as I applied and was accepted for incapacity.
I would imagine as much as we want to hate the people that are rude or not understanding they have to put up with all of those people that are just there to blag free money. So maybe we should feel a bit sorry for them too lol

In regards to the drug addicts getting benefits. I know a lot of it is just recreational fun, but I bet there are a lot of addicts out there that started on drugs to self medicate anxiety and depression.