View Full Version : Really anxious now - please someone

13-10-10, 20:50
I made this thread - http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?p=723886

But im getting really anxious now, i feel really really tired and weak and anxious and im not sure if its the anxiety or the vaccine side effects.

paula lynne
13-10-10, 20:52
Hi uk23 I replied to your post re-vaccination earlier. Try to calm down, and distract yourself, paper bag...breathe...x

13-10-10, 20:53
The link doesnt work uk .What vaccine did you have ? sue

13-10-10, 20:54
Piers-It's anxiety causing your adrenaline levels to be raised and in turn causing you to be even more anxious.

The tiredness is because you are stressing yourself yet again.

You have had advice about the vaccine, it is not known for causing troublesome side effects but as mentioned maybe an achy arm or slightly raised temperature all of which would be short lived.

If you suffer from any of the above, simple paracetamol treatment should help.

13-10-10, 21:06
The link doesnt work uk .What vaccine did you have ? sue

The link should work now, it was the tetanus, polio and dip one, think its called Revaxis

14-10-10, 00:32
anyone else around?

14-10-10, 16:01
How do you feel today uk ? Sue x

14-10-10, 18:06
Its been 25 hours since my injection - the wound looks clean i think and the injection site is much the same as it was - feeling very anxious still though.

14-10-10, 18:17
Sounds pretty normal .If you were going to have a bad reaction which I doubt ,you would be feeling it by now .It wouldnt make you that bad anyway .Just slight temp and headache .Ususally goes overnight .Try to relax .You are ok ..Sue :hugs:

14-10-10, 19:24
I feel really weak now with stomach pain, not sure if its ibs and anxiety or something else :(

14-10-10, 21:35
Anxiety causes stomach problems and IBS .It affects the whole body especially the muscles and nervous system The bowels and digestive system dont function properly and go into spasm This can cause bad digestion ,constipation acid reflux and wind .Very painful spasms can develop in the bowel .Take a smooth muscle relaxant like Buscopan and avoid foods that aggravate it .There is a list on the IBS page to the left of this page .Relaxation will help ,also chewing your food for longer .This lessens the strain until you feel better .A hot water bottle may relieve the pain a bit . Take care Sue x