View Full Version : tingly head arm & leg any suggestions?

13-10-10, 20:54
Hi there I did post last wk under new and worried &looking at forums it seems I need to re list with a new heading lol.

Anyway 4 nearly 3 months I've had a strange feelings on the back sometimes top left had side of head a tingly pulling feeling, I get a similar feeling that runs down the outside of my left arm & in forearm as if something is pulling on nerves and again similar feeling in my left leg usually around calf area, it neva happens all at once and the only pain I have is pin prick pains around the sensation in head and sometimes in left arm few seconds now n then.
And these sensations can be there one minute gone the next so very intermittent.
I have been to the docs who have said muscle tension linked in with anxiety, plus if there was anything wrong I would get these sensations in both arms somehow I can't believe that, so had a sports massage didn't really help, I've tried to put it down to carrying a toddler, using I phone but why in my leg? I'm really not anxious now so these feelings shouldn't be there!

I've taken up running again, and what I keep telling myself is if there was anything wrong I wouldn't be able 2 run!

I'm hoping some1 has similar feelings? Thanks.x

13-10-10, 22:04
A lot of people agree that its when you dont feel anxious but have the anxiety symptoms its most distressing. i have tingling everywhere and that same sort of pulling feeling, almost like there is a cord inside my arm being pulled on - same with you?

Doctor said it was tension and anxiety.

13-10-10, 22:50
It would make sense that I'm anxious as I started back work after maternity 3months ago, so it does tally but I was actually looking forward 2 starting back!

Yes almost like a hard tickle, have you experienced it on the head? This is another thing I can't understand and its that same feeling and can't work out if its my scalp or head, also get occasional pulling in the ear again left side and have had tinnitutus there 4 bout 10yrs!

Feel slightly at ease someone has similar symptoms! I'm not worrying over it massively, but its getting on my nerves ha literally x

13-10-10, 23:07
I really understand what you mean, its very annoying. On the head area it feels like...there is a spider or something crawling on the skin, its odd. I get the ear thing as well, especially tinnitus, the doctor took a look in my ear and said it was full of wax and that would explain it.

13-10-10, 23:24
Feels great someone understands! Mine is a bit of a deeper sensation than spider and funny with the ear I did get mine checked bout 8wks ago I had glue ear went back after 4wks doc said it cleared! Think ill go back! They won't refer 4 tinnitutus said something I have 2 live with!