View Full Version : Feeling like crap

14-10-10, 01:57
Hey guys, I'm not sure if I'm getting a cold or not, but I feel like crap and I'm getting very worried. The past few days I've had a sore throat and ears on and off and at the moment it feels like I have a fever as my heads really hot. My mouth also feels hot inside and has that weird taste you get when your sick. I also have a headache and am really tired. I also cant eat without feeling sick or getting full quickly. Any ideas?

14-10-10, 02:06
I had something like this the whole of last week! Still kind of hanging about which is annoying.

It started with a sore throat, sore/blocked ears and a MASSIVE temperature the day after it began. You've probably caught a bug! Get some rest, drink a lot and take some paracetemol to help the fever and you'll feel better soon, if you don't you can go see your GP for a proper diagnosis and if it is a bug he'll give you some anti biotics to clear it right up! :) xx