View Full Version : Newbie here

14-10-10, 08:21
Hi all

I thought i would just introduce myself, i used this site a couple of years ago when i was suffering anxiety/depression, well you can guess why im bac k its hit me again......

I hate waking up every morning with the fear of dread which lasts most of the day, my doctor has signed me off work until monday but i dont think that is enough time for me, i started citalopram last night came off it 3 months ago, but i know it did me the world of good, just hope i get better real soon, i cant stop crying and feel on edge and just cant be bothered to do things.

Hope you we all welcome me and help me get better x

14-10-10, 08:31
Hi jen1983

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

14-10-10, 08:48
Thanks for your quick reply, that has just made me smile....

Was wondering how long it is before you can enter the chat room??


14-10-10, 09:16
:hugs:welcome Jen, sorry it's come back again

14-10-10, 09:24
Thanks for your concern

I know i can beat it, just takes me a while to get over the morning dread feeling, but i'm up this morning managed to have a cup of tea and fed my two babies, which i couldnt do yesterday, so going to keep feeling positive and get on with things.....................i know i can beat this again!!!!

14-10-10, 11:00
hi Jen, i only joined the site a couple of days but im finding it so helpful.
Like you, ive suffered from dreadful anxiety on and off for years. I can make huge progress with it all and feel like im back on track for weeks, months then i get a relapse and feel like im back to square one with the anxiety again. Its so frustrating isnt it?
Plus being a mum brings all sorts of expectations and new challanges. Sounds like you have your hands full with two babies , i know how difficult it can be because im a single mum to 3 lovely children, and sometimes dealing with the anxiety ontop of motherhood can feel so overwhelming at times. You will get through it again.
Warm wishes
Annette xx

14-10-10, 12:29
Thanks for you message annette, today is a horrible day, it really is, i just wanna curl up and not do anything but i can't relax if you know what i mean.

I have just dropped the children off at my moms, because i dont like them seeing me like this, its horrible!

Just this dread feeling all day, feels like im going mad!

Are you on any medication at all?? i have been put on citalopram again, started it last night, forgotten how dreadful the side affects are.

15-10-10, 12:18
ive left you a pm Jen,

take care xx

paula lynne
15-10-10, 12:40
A belated welcome Jen x:welcome: