View Full Version : In need of some reassurance PLEASE

14-10-10, 12:19
I posted about the dizzy feelings in my head a while back.
Since then I've been going for accupuncture and taking supplements because the doctor says it's due to too much adrenaline that I keep feeling ill like this.
After my second session I began to feel more relaxed and not so anxious about my head. Previous to that I had been having extreme anxiety about whether it was something serious and the anxiety obviously made me feel worse.
I had to go to a function at my daughter's school last night and I was absolutely fine the whole time I was there. I even thought to myself that I must be better and had a private laugh that I'd been silly enough to think I had a brain tumor....
This morning I felt well and got on with lots of work because I was feeling so much better, relieved and congratulating myself that I was recovered.
Then all of a sudden it hit me out of the blue, I wasn't even thinking about it. I can't believe it came back when I thought I was better - this muggy head, pressure in my face and neck ache.
Of course the anxiety came back full force again and I've been feeling awful for a couple of hours now.
Now I'm asking myself: why is it back? am I really ill?
It's strange how when one is feeling normal you can rationalise and think normaly about these symptoms and they don't seem bad at all, but when one is anxious it all seems like a nightmare. I worry that I won't get better, or that it'll get worse.
I worry that my husband will just get fed up with me, he's been so supportive but surely he expects me to control this.
I just feel so scared.
Please anyone who can write something supportive or reassuring, it would be a big help.
This site is like my life-boat in a storm!
Thanks xx

14-10-10, 15:15
Hi becky I think when we feel unwell we dwell. Its like an obsession. Thats how it is for me and I feel pants 24/7 well ok sometimes wake up relaxed. Its a case of breaking the addiction it can be done its finding the way out of the tunnel.:shades:

14-10-10, 15:16
Hi Becky,

Well done for the progress you’re making :yesyes:

The thing to remember is that there are no magic cures and no magic therapists – only tools you can use and people wise enough to teach you how to use them. Ultimately any lasting cure will come from within.

One part of why things were working was because one some level you actually ‘believed’ it would make a difference and ‘expected’ it to make a difference, and what a person believes and expects has an uncanny habit of often happening.

Then something happened and you ‘believed’ it was back... and so it was.

“Now I'm asking myself: why is it back? am I really ill?”

I don’t think you were ever really ill, and it helps to not think of it like that. Anxiety happens when the mind spots something it’s uncertain about, and sometimes we aren’t even aware of what that was. And when it happens the body responds automatically in the ways it’s got used to – in this case, muggy head, pressure in the face, etc.

The thing to remember is so many times it’s a false alarm and there’s nothing to worry about. The subconscious mind has picked up on something it thinks might be important and it’s up to us consciously decide whether it’s real or whether to simply dismiss it and continue with what we we’re doing. 90 percent of the time it’s the latter.

Take care :)

Nigel H
14-10-10, 17:41
"he's been so supportive but surely he expects me to control this"

By the sound of that comment .... the 'surely' part ....... you do not seem to know for sure what it is your husband expects?

If you knew for sure - then would that and could that lessen your symptoms??

I think you need to actually discuss your concerns with him and that will hopefully leave you feeling more comfortable now, knowing that he is supportive of you and your situation.