View Full Version : Watch this space!!!!

14-10-10, 12:46
Thanks for your support folks, I have today written a letter to Danny Alexander explaining our plight.

I am having a nightmare with benefits and ATOS just now and the stress is detrimental to my health.

I have not been rude but honest and direct so let's see if I get a reply!!!!lol

14-10-10, 15:35
With out sounding to negative dont hold your breath do you realy think these people care?you have anxiety your not dilusional as well are you ditzy?:D

14-10-10, 15:47
lol dont worry not holding my breath, but Mr Alexander is going to have to fight for his scottish votes very soon so best he listens!!!!!!!!!
you see I am dilusional lol:unsure:

14-10-10, 15:49
Hi Ditzy,

I was just gonna reply to your other thread when I noticed this one. I think it’s an excellent idea and I hope it’s successful. As Olderfella said, it probably won’t acheive very much, but who knows? If everyone thought like that, nothing would ever change.

Maybe other members who are effected by these changes to benefits might think about doing something similar as well. After all, it’s one of those things where there’s absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.

It’s probably more effective to write about how the changes effect you and the personal hardships you face, rather than all out attacking the system and the new rules.

Good luck Ditzy :yesyes:
Let us know how it goes.


14-10-10, 16:19
Thanks Nigel , I have written a very nice letter, I find you achieve more if your nice.
I have explained my situation and how the system doesn't work for me.

I have had a wish for a long time to recover completely from anxiety and depression and then use my experience to help others. Sadly life keeps throwing some horrid stuff at me and complete recovery might be a long way off. But we will see what happens.

Your right about other members speaking out but it is a gutsy, stressful thing to do so I do understand others may not wish to follow suit.

I'll let you know what happensx

15-10-10, 00:26
Hi ditzygirl, It is gutsy, I certainly couldn't do it. Doesn't even matter if it acheives nothing, or even if the guy throws it in the bin. The important thing is the doing. So good on ya :winks:.
Keep us updated.