View Full Version : MRI on leg, I need advice!

14-10-10, 13:53
I have this little ramp like bump under my knee, it came up after a week of a lot of walking. I've had an ultrasound, an x-ray and bloods done, all came back fine but today when I went for a review the doctor is sending me for an MRI!!! I was shocked! What could the MRI show that the ultrasound and x ray wouldn't? What does he think that I may have? Any advice is welcome. When I asked him why the MRI he just said to cover all options or something like that...

Any ideas, I'm a little worried. :weep:

Hazel B
14-10-10, 14:08
I was told that an MRI gives a better "internal" image so that the radiographer has more to look at than an ultrasound. I can't tell you what they are looking for, all I know is they want a better image. I think they start with ultrasound as it is a cheaper option.
I think your doctor is being thorough, try not to worry.
I had an MRI recently, if you need to know anything about it just ask.

14-10-10, 14:42
Thanks for the reply Hazel. I don't really knw what to expect from an MRI as I've never had one. Any tips you can give me? What actually happens during an MRI?

I'm just confused as given my clear test results I thought there wouldn't be any need for an MRI. The ultrsound people said it was probably just inflammation from the walking that I was doing. But now I'm back to worrying about it.

It doesn't hurt at all and you can barely see it. Maybe he is just being thorough but he's sent me into worry mode.

He didn't even explain why he was doing it or what he thought it may be. He couldn't find the report on the ultrasound that I had, he just asked me if it went okay. So even without reading the ultrasound report he's sent me for an MRI? It's just confusing!

He must have something in his head as to what he thinks it may be, but I know I'm probably not going to find out, unless he is proved right. I just hope it's nothing serious. :shrug:

Hazel B
14-10-10, 14:59
My doctor told me that he never tries to guess at a diagnosis, they just keep testing until everything is clear or a diagnosis is made. I am sure they are being thorough.

The MRI machine is a magnetic scanner, so on the day of the scan you will be given a quick questionnaire about any metal in your body e.g. if you have a pacemaker in your heart etc. (Dental fillings are OK). This is to make sure there will be no metal in the scanner, they also check your clothes, belt, bra and any hair slides/clips. They also asked me for my preference of music, as you wear headphones and can listen to music or the radio. When you have completed the questions, you go into the scanner room and the staff make sure you are lying down on the machine in the correct position. With me, I had a few straps with a cushion device on my chest, this is to monitor your breathing.

The staff then leave you in the scanning room and go to the control room nearby, they can hear you and talk to you through the headphones. They start up the scanner, it can be a bit noisy. The scan takes about 15-20 minutes, my scan was for my liver so I had an injection of trace fliud and had to go back after one hour for another quick scan with tracer fluid, you may not need this for your leg. I was also asked to breathe in and out to help get good images of my abdomen, again you may not have to do this.

I went in without my contact lenses so I couldn't focus on the machine properly, I'm claustrophobic so was a bit worried. On the day though, it was fine, the board you lie on does move into the scan "capsule" but it is very light and you can see out of both ends, so it was not at all as scary as I thought. I listened to the radio and thought of my favourite things. I was more worried about the results to be honest, as you will be, but all I can say is please don't fret too much. I have a gallstone and benign liver lesion, not life-threatening horrors I'd imagined. My anxiety turned out to be more of an issue than the scan itself.

Hope this helps.

14-10-10, 15:07
Thanks for all the info Hazel you've really helped!

:) x

Hazel B
14-10-10, 15:30
No problem, hope it goes well. Please try not to dwell and worry, easier said than done I know.


14-10-10, 15:37
MRI scans are brilliant for showing all soft tissues which is why they are so good at imaging spines as they show all nerves etc - they don't show bones as well which is why you would need x ray as well. I would assume they just want to see if any of your soft tissue is damaged in any way and thisis best scan there is for this.

If you are lucky you will go into scanner feet first ( I have had 7 mris for spinal problems etc) when I had abdomianl mri for ovarian cyst a coupel of years ago I went in feet first so top half f me didn't even go into scanner which was wondeful. I am very claustrophobic and find that if my head has to be in scanner I shut my eyes before I go in and keep them shut all the time I am in there - also you may want ear plugs as well as the musci it depends on how good your hearing is!