View Full Version : Bone Cancer

14-10-10, 17:03
I am really getting myself in a mess.
I have had a problem with my right hip for nearly a year, It hurt when I first got up in the moring and if I had been sitting down for a while, the Dr had put it down to me being hypermobile. The pain had remained the same untill approx 4/5 weeks ago when all of a sudden I was getting the pain everytime I moved my leg and walking was hurting. The dr says he still thinks that it is my hypermobility but I had a look at bone cancer. It says the hip is one of the most common sites and all my sysmtoms match even the tingling in my leg. When I mentioned this to the doctor he just said it was a very rare cancer and I am not in the age range for it. But I can not get it out of my mind and I can not concentrate. They have given me pain killers but each time the wear off it hurts and the tingling and deadleg sensation is still there. No one wants to take my worries serious. I have even looked at how much a private MRI is but can not afford it.
Just feel like this thing is growing and no one is doing anything.


14-10-10, 17:54
Hi 2 things

First DONT google symptoms you will always find a cancer to fit it
Second if you feel the Dr isnt listening keep pestering him and dont take no for an answer HE works for YOU remember.

It si totally natural to worry about symptoms wether you have anxiety or not but its the anxiety that makes it all consuming. It gets to the point that the area of pain is all we can focus on.
I had pins and needles on my left hand for months and was convinced it was to to with mye heart thanks to good old Dr Google but after months of worry and endless trips to the dr it turned out to be playing my guitar too muc.
So i know exactly ho you feel but remember things are rarely as bad as we imagne them to be

Marc x

14-10-10, 18:03
Hi, I'm going through the same sort of thing at the moment except mine is to do with my lower back/pelvis area. I had MRI done last week but luckily I've got private health so didn't have to pay. I get results next thursday. You probably have a trapped nerve or something like that, but if it is continuing to get worse then go back to your doctor and emphasise the numbness and tingling and insist you want a scanfor piece of mind. Otherwise go to different doctor or if gets really bad go to A&E as they will probably do X-ray. I'm not saying this because I think you have something bad, I just know how much stress it can cause until you know for sure it's nothing. The fact that you can get some relief taking pain killers is a good thing, pain killers do nothing to get rid of mine so I've stopped bothering. Good luck with it!

14-10-10, 19:26
It would be reasonable to ask you Dr to send you for an x ray of your hips to rule out any bone problem as x ray is best medium for bones and this would also rule out bone cancer as well. An x ray is quick simple and not costly to nhs so your Dr cannot refuse as its the first test any Dr would do with a hip pain.

14-10-10, 20:27
Thanks for the messages.
I did have a pelvic x ray in Sept last year but for another reason (my father has Ankolising Spondilitis and they were checking me out as is it hereaditary) but my right hip was not causing me problems then, it was my left one. Keep trying to tell myself that as I have had some pain since last november that any cancer would have shown up on that xray. Just need to try and get my head straight as I have had my health anxiety under control for quiet a while now.
Anyone else here hypermobile? and if so what problem does it cause you.

Thanks again
