View Full Version : Opticians & shopping center ALONE!!

paula lynne
14-10-10, 17:26
:D Well after 3 years putting it off, I went to the opticians! Didnt like the flashing lights, and puff of air in my eyes, but didnt panic and didnt have a migraine afterwards, which I was worried about!:)

My friend dropped me at a small shopping center. It became difficult then :weep: as my vertigo was horrendous...I sat down every 5 mins...but managed a few shops, and had lunch! Hubby met me for a coffee, offered me a lift home, BUT I GOT THE BUS!! 45 mins (so no escape!)...

Had 3 ectopics on the bus, but became calmer almost straight away...then walked up the huge hill (30 degree gradient!),,,wow..puffed out and palps at home for 10 mins...but then COULDNT STOP SMILING, I DID IT!!!.

Ok it wasnt comfortable, mostly uncomfortable if truth be told, but another step facing my fears. Also a neighbour commented Id lost weight, so thats given me a boost!

Got a new dress and lippy...brilliant day. :yesyes:

14-10-10, 17:32
Well done Paula that's fantastic, what an achievement :-) ur doing amazing xxx

14-10-10, 17:33
That's fantastic Paula, especially getting the bus after all that. Very well done :yesyes:

14-10-10, 17:36
Well done you! It's such a great feeling when you achieve something isn't it. Keep pushing yourself! :)

Hazel B
14-10-10, 17:37
Well done!

14-10-10, 17:37
Weldone!! you must be smiling from ear to ear.:yesyes:

paula lynne
14-10-10, 17:41
Oh THANKS GUYS, Im still smiling yes, made a home-made lasagne since I got home (hubbys fav), and will tey to go out for a walk tomorrow (vertigo increasing as period due in week and half, so I know why its happening and trying to be rational about it)

TODAY was a good day...one day at a time xxxxxx:D

margaret jones
14-10-10, 18:06
Paula you are a star well done give yourself a pat on the back ( if u can reach ) great achievment :hugs:

14-10-10, 19:15
That's brilliant well donex

14-10-10, 19:27
well done Paula, that's fantastic

14-10-10, 19:38
Well done you.
Why do some days feel so good when we have achieved something but on the other hand so bloody hard for us.

paula lynne
14-10-10, 19:46
Youre so right baileys...I just decided I wouldnt sit back anymore and let this devour me...Ive stopped giving it power over me in a way by...just caring less...safe in the knowledge it wont hurt me. Its hard, but Ive stopped fighting it...how can I fight something I cant see?? So I accept it.....begrudgingly!! xx tomorrow may be total crap, but Ill deal with that tomorrow xxxx:hugs:

14-10-10, 19:54
Youre so right baileys...I just decided I wouldnt sit back anymore and let this devour me...Ive stopped giving it power over me in a way by...just caring less...safe in the knowledge it wont hurt me. Its hard, but Ive stopped fighting it...how can I fight something I cant see?? So I accept it.....begrudgingly!! xx tomorrow may be total crap, but Ill deal with that tomorrow xxxx:hugs:

You are so right in not giving it the power anymore, i can do that sometimes but i can get very wound up by it all as well.
It seems very unfair to me that we cant, just get on with life.
Tomorrow wont be crap for you, you will be fine XXX

paula lynne
14-10-10, 19:59
Thanks Baileys, much appreciated xx:)

14-10-10, 20:16

Onward and upward for you missus! One of the things that is so important for us is to reward ourselves for any achievements we make, sometimes that part is forgotten and it's so so important.

It reinforces the fact that although we have felt like a sack of..ahem..doo-doo we still carried on regardless. And when you have got past one hurdle don't you feel like you can conquer the world? :D

I'm so proud of you. :hugs:

14-10-10, 20:27
Well done Paula - hope it's the beginning of even better things.


Oooo, that was a tricky emot to catch.

paula lynne
14-10-10, 20:35
Thanks Ang and Melancholia xxxxxx:yesyes::yesyes:

15-10-10, 01:55
Well Done Paula!

:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

Definitely ‘onwards and upwards’, as Ladybird said...
and I don’t just mean that hill!! :D


paula lynne
15-10-10, 11:22
Thanks Nigel...all your support is really making such a difference to my life in the months Ive been here....youre all a blessing xxxx:blush:

17-10-10, 00:19
Well done Paula,

Your post made me smile...

Keep on...you, I, each, and all will succeed in the end...

Take care,

Sue x :flowers:

17-10-10, 00:32
:bighug1: Look all you did. And a new dress was the frosting on the cake.
You did it even afraid a bit.