View Full Version : Feel like I'm losing it

14-10-10, 18:44
My mind, that is. Have said and done some really stupid things in the last week or so. Earlier today I gave my husband the wrong PIN for my card and now I just put my grass cuttings in the wrong bin :mad:

Having some med issues at the moment, which I've posted elsewhere, but this is really getting me down :weep:

14-10-10, 19:02
Jane, you're not losing your mind. Your mind is just pre-occupied with the wrong things, ie your anxiety.
When I'm anxious I walk into things, I drop things, I lose things I only just put down, I can't remember what I just read, I forgot my online bank ID, which I've known for 12 years! I've felt like I wasn't a safe driver any more, I make silly mistakes whilst driving that I shouldn't. I can't remember if I've taken my medication, so I now have to write it down!
You'll be fine. Just run with it and try to do your best to relax :)

14-10-10, 19:07
I've felt like I wasn't a safe driver any more, I make silly mistakes whilst driving that I shouldn't.

Oh that reminds me Vixxy, I nearly got run over the other day, thinking I was crossing a one-way street when I know fine well it isn't :doh:

Lol, at least you made me laugh and I know you're right. Thanks for your reply, just having a bad time at the mo

14-10-10, 19:11
Jane please don't worry about this, as Vixxy said, it is just an anxious mind.

I made a wally out of myself in M&S last week. I went to pay with my credit card and put my pin in and it didn't work. Several times I tried and swore blind it was correct to the cashier. I eventually tried another card, and without telling the assistant, realised I had been trying to put that ones pin in by mistake!! I felt awful as a queue had built up behind all my faffing.

I also have lately done things twice over, like putting another spoon of sugar in my tea or going to the fridge to put milk in when I have already done it and forgotten within seconds.

I put it down to the anxiety. Today I forgot whether I had taken my meds or not!!

MADDENING, but don't let these things get you down.xxxxxx:)

14-10-10, 19:12
It will pass. It always does :) It helps me if I do everything at a slower pace, instead of racing around and letting my adrenaline rush me into making mistakes.

14-10-10, 19:13
Debs I did that in the co-op the other day lol.

14-10-10, 19:13
lol....I felt like a right plonker Vixxy!!

paula lynne
14-10-10, 19:13
Hey hun....yesterday my toaster caught fire, underneath my boiler, and I nearly threw a wet t-towel on it!!! (Hubby stopped me)
I just realised I have left my glasses in the opticians when I had my eye exam today:scared15:
Ive done several stupid things too this week :blush:
Ive also said some pretty idiotic stuff too....:wacko:
Couldnt find any butter too cook hubbys mushrooms....so used dairylea! Well it was worth a try!!!!!
Youre not alone xxxxx:yesyes:

14-10-10, 19:15
I made a crappy excuse that all my cards look the same, that was why I put the wrong pin in. She just looked at me like I was daft lol.
But on the bright side, looking back and having a chuckle about how daft you were is a bloody good side effect of anxiety. It can make boring life funnier!

14-10-10, 19:16
Thanks again Vixxy and Debs too :hugs:. it really does help to be reminded that you aren't alone with these things. I feel so stupid. Keep putting things down around the house and then finding them later and thinking 'didn't I put that away?'. Got work tomorrow and that is preying on my mind as well cos I need to be on the ball there :unsure:

14-10-10, 19:18
I agree Vixxy.....it really helps to make light of it as there are defintely valid reasons for it happening...(I hope, lol)

I walked out of M&S mumbling 'you dozy mare' to myself !!!! lol:D

14-10-10, 19:18
I spent 5 minutes looking for something that I had only just put down the other day. It turns out I was sitting on it >.> so yea, got to have a laugh about that lol
Try not to feel stupid, just use it as a funny story to tell people. We all do it, even those boring normal people!

14-10-10, 19:22
Thanks again all, Paula too. I had PIN probs in Tesco recently, thought I was just being nuts then I was asked for my expiry date when I paid my bill this week it turned out the card had run out months ago. I can manage to make myself look like an idiot without outside help!

I appreciate you replies so much because nobody's replied about my meds probs and I've been feeling really alone :grouphug:

14-10-10, 19:24
What meds problem?

14-10-10, 19:27
I spent 5 minutes looking for something that I had only just put down the other day. It turns out I was sitting on it >.>

Lol, I can relate to that too, living in a madhouse, as I do. My daughter is away to a concert with her dad tonight. Could they find the tickets this afternoon? Usually I'm the one that knows where things are.

My husband and I are pretty good at laughing at stuff, like who needs the biggest suitcase for their meds when we go on hols?

Panicking about looking like the silly old cow in front of the smart young lads in the office. I know they already wonder what I'm doing there :shrug:

14-10-10, 19:31
I've got a dedicated box for my meds. For a 29 year old, that's pretty sad in my opinion. It should be full of make up or something. :p
I think young lads make everyone feel old. They're just so cocky!

14-10-10, 19:31
What meds problem?

Every time I get a certain manufacturer's fluoxetine I feel like I go downhill. I've been trying not to think about it but was starting to feel quite bad. Got a prescription for Prozac instead but it put me to sleep yest and I got up feeling sick and dizzy. Nothing is ever easy or straightforward with meds. I've been taking 40mg so I'm going to try just taking 20 and maybe take it at night instead of am.

14-10-10, 19:32
I've no experience with that AD Im afraid. How long have you been taking it for at your current dose?

14-10-10, 19:33
I've got a dedicated box for my meds. For a 29 year old, that's pretty sad in my opinion. It should be full of make up or something. :p

So true! I (vaguely) remember the day when it was all about that kind of thing and not "have you packed all your drugs?"

14-10-10, 19:37
I've no experience with that AD Im afraid. How long have you been taking it for at your current dose?

About 9-10 months Vixxy, and I've been pretty well, except for the last time I got that particular kind a few months ago. Been going to a chemist that didn't use that company but discovered with my last prescription - now they do!

Wasn't expecting any probs with the Prozac - they are after all supposed to be the same thing - but I expect it'll even itself out. Had a lot of med probs last year and just could do without more hassle.

14-10-10, 19:40
I've had worries about using other brands before too. I wasn't sure if it was imagined or not though XD

14-10-10, 19:49
I know, I felt like a nutter once asking a pharmacist what kind they had before I was prepared to hand over my prescription. Most people will tell you there's no difference and I've had no trouble with other generics, just this one.

I see a naturopath tho, and this came up on my last visit. Her opinion is you should always ask for the brand name and she was horrified that one batch I got of fluox was a mix from two different firms.

Thanks so much for your support everybody, especially Vixxy. I've got a real lift from talking to you all. Going to go force myself to do that pile of ironing now. I'll prob wander off and leave it and start a fire xx

14-10-10, 19:49
On the medicine box front, my Mum has a dedicated cupboard in the kitchen for all her meds....there's vitamins, cod liver oil, carbamazepine for her trigeminal neuralgia, her bone density meds, black cohosh, you name it, it's there!!!

It's like the forgotten branch of Boots the Chemist,lol!:D

14-10-10, 19:53
Lol Debs, we need several cupboards for ours :whistles:. I've got my minerals from my naturopath as well as my prescrip stuff (that Fybogel takes up a cupboard on its own); my husband's got his from his GP, and his Coq10, and his ginkgo and whatnot.

I was having a clearout the other week and found loads of fish oils, vit D and stuff I'd bought for my son with the terrible diet. Half of it was out of date and had to go in the bin. Think he's probably started to "forget" to take the latest (expensive) stuff I got out of Holland and Barrett :mad:

14-10-10, 20:31
My dad has a plastic drawer set thats full of meds. In fact it's so full now that he's got stuff in bags in front of it!
Luckily my meds are all in small boxes and they only ever give me 28 days at a time. Which is a pain in the ass! I always have that worry that i'll forget to ask for a new prescription and end up with no meds. My doctor's won't let me request another pack until 7 days before it's due too ><
I was thinking about your meds and maybe it's not the active ingredient you have a problem with. I imagine that's pretty strict and has to be the same. But maybe its the other ingredients? I know I've had a funny tummy from taking a different brand before.

14-10-10, 21:20
I was thinking about your meds and maybe it's not the active ingredient you have a problem with. I imagine that's pretty strict and has to be the same. But maybe its the other ingredients? I know I've had a funny tummy from taking a different brand before.

I really don't know Vixxy. The symptoms I've had had been very similar to withdrawal as I experienced it coming off another AD but who's to say what's really going on?

Either I'll feel better on Prozac (even if my doubts about the other stuff are all my head) - or I won't. And then I have a serious problem.

Thanks for thinking about this - I really do appreciate it.

I'd also like to stress for anybody who chances on this thread - I'm not saying generics are bad as such, I've been on them for about a year and they've worked, just not this particular one (or so it seems) x

15-10-10, 10:40
I can totally understand that. Especially if you're feeling like you're having a withdrawal. I've had something similar before, but it tended to disappear after a few days on the different brand.
If you live in an area with a small chemist that's not part of a chain, you could ask them to get in a specific brand?

15-10-10, 10:46
Hi Vixxy, I've got Prozac now so I'm happy that I have got things sorted out. At least I think I'm happy but I've been feeling weird since I started it - sick, dizzy and sleep problems. Don't get that at all but hopefully it won't last.

Thanks for all your kindness x