View Full Version : feeling ill

09-03-06, 15:51
Hello again

While I am on here I thought I would also ask if anyone feels like they have a cold coming all the time with sore glands and achiness? I will feel OK for a few days then feel like I am coming down with something. This then gets me worrying and I become anxious and I always think of the worst possible scenario it could be. I also get, not shaky but a feeling of weakness. I wish I was like I was before I had my baby and I have to keep saying to myself that it is all anxiety/depression related as I was not like this pre pregnancy.


09-03-06, 15:54
think positive i know its hard but babe the only way to get thru it is to fight it. for 6 months now ive felt fluey and achy very lighthheaded like i cant carry on and feel comfortable in my own home but my doc tells me 100% when you start thinking positive your brain will too. im here whenever u need a chat

Ma Larkin
09-03-06, 15:58
How old is your baby Michelle? Could be a form of post-natal depression coupled with fatigue. I have 3 kids, I got post-natal depression with my 2nd daughter & it was the worst time of my life. I did get over it eventually, a lot of mums get mild "baby blues" which I believe is hormone related. Accept all the help you can get to make sure you look after yourself as well as your baby. We can all relate to the achiness believe me, there are a few sufferers on this site who have had problems for quite a while, but turns out most of it is tension related & with mild depression it just takes longer to get rid of.

Hope you start to feel better soon.


Silly Blonde
09-03-06, 16:01
Anxiety and depression in itself can make anyone feel pretty s***!!! If you look at any info leaflet that comes with anti-deps - they always say that the side effects are often similar to the symptoms of depression - when I first started taking mine - I felt like I had flu for weeks but without the runny nose.

When I am anxious or worried - I feel dreadful - with what I call my "foggy head"!!!

Don't worry too much - as my doc tells me all the time, we all have aches and pains, the key is to stop focusing on every little symptom and let them float on by!!

SB xx

09-03-06, 16:10
thank you everyone - yes I think it is part post natal depression as well and I am on anti-depressants and when I think what I was like before Christmas and what I am like now, then they have definitely helped. I just wish I wouldn't focus on every little symptom I have. I am just so scared of getting cancer due to some people close to me who have died from it.

09-03-06, 16:33
**This then gets me worrying and I become anxious and I always think of the worst possible scenario it could be.**

This is your major issue and whilst meds can help they won't cure the negative thought patterns you have got yourself into..

Consult our reading page and get a couple of the recommended books and ask your Gp to refer you for some CBT .


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

09-03-06, 16:34
having a baby can bring on all sorts of fears and pressures that were not there before. feelings that you want to see your child grow up, responsibility, add to that no sleep, childbirth itself,dropping down in order of importance and having little time to nourish yourself and you have the perfect breeding ground for fears and anxiety to take hold

you will be better again. have you read any of claire weekes books on nervous disorders?

hope you feel better soon

10-03-06, 20:02

I am exactly the same, since I had my 2nd baby about a year ago I have been really bad. I get all kinds of strange symptoms but weakness is one of the worst. I often feel like I have no energy in my arms and legs. I also get what I can only descibe as 1hr flu I feel like I am about to get really ill aches, hot sweats, shivery and then it goes. If you add all of this to blurred vision and twitches you feel great, lol.

I'm sure it's all aniexty based, it's just believing it

babydoll xx