View Full Version : Is it all lies

14-10-10, 21:25
Ok im going to start this by saying is this all lies?

Ive been suffering from Anxiety since Nov 2009, it started when i was driving my car, i came over all funny and my heart was racing, so this is now what i fear (THE HEART) why because of the racing, im now doing CBT once a week for 1 hour, i was asked last week for me to take my BP and HR for a whole day because i have a BP Machine, so ive done so, but i would like to know from anyone on here if you have done this and has it helpped you, here are my readings for the day.
woke up 104/79 HR 115.
Out of bed 117/85 HR 130 this lasted 5 mins
Sitting down 124/83 HR 99
10 mins later still sitting 120/85 HR 97
10 mins later laying down on Settee 116/82 HR 90
10 mins later laying down on settee 113/77 HR 86
Mow going to stand up 5 mins 121/84 HR 115
Laying back down 113/75 HR 85
Now going to walk around the front room for 30 sec 119/80 HR 133
Sat back down 117/81 HR 82

Now im not going to put it all on here it will take to long, what i need to know is, is this Anxiety? also ive lost 1 and a half stone in weight in under 1 year, but ive not lost anymore im now 9 and a half stone, but now ive noticed that im losing Body fat so my bones are starting to show, again is this Anxiety, need to know if anyone else has sufferd this.
What about pains in the Chest and back? lose stools? Off balance when walking or standing still like being on a boat not spinning feelings just swaying and you need to hold onto somthing, this is everyday. now im going to explaine what ive had done.
200 ECGs in 11 months. Clear
ECHO Scan of the heart. Clear
MRI Scan of the Brain. Clear
Over 100 Blood tests. Clear
Ive had Full blood count done Clear
Heart Bloods Clear
Stool Test Clear
Phlegm Test Clear

Now you see what ive had done, why do i keep getting the racing heart, why do i feel like this all day? I would like anyone who has or is suffering this let me know....many thanks Ian

14-10-10, 21:37
Hello mate,

That really does sound like anxiety, it messes with our heads - remember what we talked about on the phone about adrenaline and how it can 'charge' up different organs.

Remember you have been like this for over a year and the pulse and bp hasnt changed has it? It also fluctuates around those ranges.

Also don't forgot all of the tests you've had. Most of us are 'happy' with 1 or 2 ECG's and that's it, you've had 200! An ECG may be a quick test but considering you've had so many done over a period of time and not one of them has picked up anything ...

Also the other tests - all of those would show any heart problem or even a slight hint of one even in early stages. All of them have been clear.

The chest pain, back pain, stool issue and dizziness are really common with anxiety. From what I have read they are caused by adrenaline and cortisol. The adrenaline pumps us up then the cortisol tries to calm us down causes jumps in heart rate etc.

I hope that helped a little.

14-10-10, 21:47
Thanks mate i know i go on like an old fart but i still worry yes that what im saying ive had all the tests but i cant seem to slow the heart lol, thanks again Piers

14-10-10, 21:51
hi, not sure if this will help, but i went through a stage of checking bp and had readings the same as you, ive had a ecg done cant belive you have had 200... also i have swaying /dizzy / holding on to things when i walk, your see from my posts....also my nan was getting really out of breath and her legs got so bad she couldnt walk she is 81 yrs old and has artherists.... anyways the reason im telling you this is because she went to hospital and they did 1 ONE ecg and it should that one of the arterys was not working very well so she has now got to go for further tests and maybe have to have a stent put in....so i would really chill out and not think about all the symptoms and bp dont check it if anything throw the machine in the bin and stop worry easier said then done i know im conveinced ive got a brain tumor but ive never had a mri or ct scan and i tell myself im fine and go and do something and takes my mind of it...its so hard to do, but try to concenrate on not concerntating on your bp....excuse spelling mistakes rushing while typing.... take care and please stop worrying... that will make your hr higher.... mines never below 85bpm

14-10-10, 21:52
you dont have to slow the heart down its fine :-) stop checking pulse / beats....

14-10-10, 21:56
sorry meant to say if you had all those tests that should prove that your heart is perfect..... i wish i had all them done id be worry free.... if there was something wrong like with my nan it would show up even on 1 ecg honest... bp / HR will be higher if your thinking and worrying even your subconsinace can keep hr high. take care....

14-10-10, 21:58
Hi Lollypopgirl, thanks for your reply, Ive got to say i dont get out of breath im only 42, sorry to hear about your nan, i know it must be hard as i do worry to much ive just taken my BP and HR as i read this lol now for some reason my BP is 128/81 HR 70
so its gone right down i dont know if its because its night time or what ive just read lol, but anyway this must prove a point, you say you sway to, is this everyday? as mine is everyday i know ive got to get over this one way or other, i wont take meds and havnt so far, so im being strong in that way, well once again thank you so much for your reply God Bless Ian x

14-10-10, 22:00
Don't be silly Ian, all of us are anxious and ask questions - thats the most common symptom! You can ask me as many questions as you like.

Also don't forgot that adrenaline can make the heart beat faster, not drinking enough water can as well as the blood pressure will not be sustainable at a common value - thats the way my GP put it lol.

And what lolly said makes loads of sense.

14-10-10, 22:08
lol to be honest i do notice the swaying everyday its horrible, and my head feels heavy and full like my brains abit big..lol i often say to myself this is not normal and this cant be right for me to be feeling like this it must be more then anixety causing it... you might of said the same to yourself, im not on meds either to scare of the side effects lol i hate the swaying though its not a good feeling and im sure if i didnt have it then the anxiety wouldnt be there as much... honestley though when my grandad told me about my nan i was like wondering if i had any pains in mine and checking my pulse like nurses do when your in hospital lol its horrible thing anxiety...funny thing is i asked my nan if she had any pain in her chest and she hasnt just really short of breath... and i would be surprised if now ive said that ian, that you will start to feel out of breathe if you do please just tell yourself thats because we was talking about it on here lol lol lol take care

14-10-10, 22:10
Yes it does make sence but me being me i will be fine for a few days after reading this and then i will be back to my old self Anxiety Ian lol, it just seems to go around like there is no tomorrow but i love life and want to be old Ian again having a laugh and joke, ive lost so many friends because of this but as they say they cant be true friends if they walk away from you over this, ive also done a silly thing in chat i lied about an illness i didnt have saying i had the runs, but it was a joke and people where laughing this is what im saying i love to make people laugh but it went to far, and everyone in chat now dont trust me, so ive made a rod for my own back, but hay thanks to you both God Bless ian

14-10-10, 22:22
well we all tell little lies, some always come back and bite you in the bum, now they propley wont trust me on here oh well, manyone that says they have never lied for one reason or another then they are lying themselves....anyway in a few days if you start to worry again come and read this post again. keep smiling and think postive take care ian

paula lynne
14-10-10, 22:44
Hi Ian, not much to add except...PLEASE get rid of that BP machine....(and all your readings were within normal range by the way)
You can start taking control by NOT CARING when your heartbeat increases...youll find this stops feeding your anx, and eventually it will settle.
Dr claire Weekes says..."you need to get to a point where YOU DONT CARE WHETHER YOUR HEART STARTS BEATING FAST OR NOT"......hard I know...but its working wonders for me!
Get rid of that machine....and youll be on your way.......x:yesyes:

14-10-10, 22:45
To be fair Ian, you had the room running round you in circles for over a week. It may have been a laugh to you but when people are putting their own anxieties aside to help someone who isn't genuine, it feels a bit like a smack in the face.

As I've told you in the room, just chat normally and people will help you. It might take a little while for folk to come round, but I'm sure they will.

All the best :)


14-10-10, 23:02
Hi sue i know i did this is why i said i was sorry i thought it was a laugh byt then i knew i had gone to far so once again im sorry for what i did to the people in the room, God Bless Ian xx

paula lynne
14-10-10, 23:20
and your bp monitor? :winks:

14-10-10, 23:40
Hi Paula yes ive done that tonight, i did buy a new one for my CBT as i did smash the old one up so yes its done and again thanks for you help x God Bless xx