View Full Version : I have a bleak view of the future

14-10-10, 21:38
There's been some nights over the last few weeks/months I have sat feeling really depressed about life. Like I could be doing with talking to somebody.

I have this inner doom and gloom of time moving on and me behind left behind. The transition between late teens and 20's has been awful there's that pressure to settle and find your way and not being as young as I once was and it will only get worse.

I feel at a cross roads in my life right now. Career, friendships, love are all on my mind I guess I kept wishing things would get better...after a year of what I call disappointments and let downs start to finish I feel disjointed in what I want in life now...I use to see myself wanting a family settling down now I just feel I'd be aswell single and miserable. This is the first time I can really say that the course of life has made me feel that right now this is where I am. I know it could be worse ect..I duno what support is available people say counsellors to discuss this age thing that worries me..I can't go on every birthday getting depressed..all I could think about is me being 22 and a mini mid life crisis until 30. Yet I know it can't be helped...

To be honest there's been times anxiety has hit me this year I felt right I can't cope I need help...and that insecurities just continued and I feel it's coming off how I feel..maybe not depressed all year but it's under lying? I admit it's probably hard to give me advice just wondered how many people have been through similar at my age? Not even how they are in 30's, 40's just wondered how to cope now or is it a sake of seeing it out and it gets better naturally? If I say I don't have a career that instantly says depression in my head it's like worst feeling for me..when I was younger I use to see things Rosie and I now realise others have to try harder to get things to work.

Basically I want to be in a place where I'm content in life and not feeling a pressure to change...here's an example right now too..my job involves travelling but I feel extremely home sick and it depresses me yet in my old job I hated the sight of my current town and was glad of a change....

Just seems I suffer the same depressing thoughts regular. Right now I am tuned in on how I feel don't feel like doing anything like watch TV which will take my mind off it..sometimes I just feel the need to sit and mope on how I feel. :lac:

14-10-10, 21:57
I totally know how you feel, I'm a little older than you, 28 will be 29 in January, I'm so scared that my life isn't working out how I'd hoped when I was younger, I'm really having a rubbish couple of years, things have gone down hill since I turned about 26, these days I'm just trying to find ways of coping, usually by clearing my mind with exercise and now and then I can lose myself in a book, but I know it doesn't help in the long run, personally I'm hoping time will heal all.

Good luck to you, I hope things work out for you