View Full Version : chesty cough

09-03-06, 17:02
Is it normal to get a chesty barking cough even though you havent got a cold? I had the sniffles about 3 weeks ago, just for a few days, but the barking started after that, was tickly and dry at first but now chesty - no phlegm. Scared it might be TB or pneumonia

Anxiety Is Evil

09-03-06, 18:28
hi there it sounds like a virus .this is quite common especially if it is barking cough.my sis had this for 6 weeks but it was nothing to worry about.go and see your doc for reasurance.it will clear up soon. marciaxx

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

09-03-06, 23:00
yep,lot of it about at the moment,of course with us it can't just be a cough can it?It is of course,go to the drs and he will listen to your chest and tell you it is all ok,will put your mind at rest,try inhaling olbas oil too works wonders,get well soon.love mary-rose.xxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

10-03-06, 10:03

I have a terrible chesty barking cough which iv had for a week now. when i get these coughs they can last about 6 weeks. i havent been to the doctors this time cause my daughters not long had it and hers was a virus which 6 weeks later she still has at night.

allsorts have gone through my mind thinking its more than a virus, but we cant help it can we!

hope it clears up for u soon


10-03-06, 10:08

I have a terrible chesty barking cough which iv had for a week now. when i get these coughs they can last about 6 weeks. i havent been to the doctors this time cause my daughters not long had it and hers was a virus which 6 weeks later she still has at night.

allsorts have gone through my mind thinking its more than a virus, but we cant help it can we!

hope it clears up for u soon


10-03-06, 12:28
Thanks guys, I've just got something from the chemist for it, and the fact that I had to have my eye flushed out today due to some grit that blew in has taken my mind off it. What are we like eh?

Anxiety Is Evil

10-03-06, 12:46
a cold can go into the chest and take its time doing so.

also i have had a feeling that i need to cough for weeks. had all sorts of tests in the hospital even though my true friend marcia diagnosed it as another symptom of anxiety hyperventilation and the like

all tests were clear and they damn well better not have got it wrong.lol

i feel this may be anxiety or simply time of the year and the cold leaving its mark

hope this helps