View Full Version : Fear of ectopic pregnancy

14-10-10, 21:44
I don't really understand why I am suddenly fixated on this now. I have been on, off, on and off Cerazette in the last few months. I can't remember when I last had a period but I think it was a couple of weeks ago (roughly) but it was different, I assume just because of the pill.

I have pain/discomfort to the right just above pubic bone, although I have IBS so it could be that. I am fixated on ectopic pregnancy and I really need so help, advice and reassurange regarding this. So please, can anyone help?

15-10-10, 07:15
I feel like I wrote this. I've been terrified about an ectopic pregnancy for the last 11 weeks. I've had a negative pregnancy test and I went to another doctor for a second opinion and he diagnosed me with IBS. If you're really worried you can take a pregnancy test, the hormones will show up even if it's an ectopic. But I'd bet money that it was just an IBS flare up :).

15-10-10, 07:47
Hi, I had an ectopic pregnancy 6 years ago. The pain is like nothing I've ever felt before it is absolutely immense and also the feeling of something is very wrong is also not something that you will never have experienced before or likely to be again!
It's not a niggling pain its an excruciating pain!

15-10-10, 20:00
Thanks both of you. Seems like every so often stories come up saying this person had an ectopic and didn't know til it ruptured and they nearly died, etc I just seem to have ongoing pain for the last couple of days, not constant but persistent on my right side. Each time it comes I worry and can't seem to get a handle on it.

Claira I am sure it is excruciating but in my head I haven't been able to rule it out just because I might not have reached that stage. Does that make sense? Also I read 1 in 100 pregnancies is ectopic...thank you Dr Google!

16-10-10, 22:25
I too have had an ectopic at 6 weeks it did rupture and I lost a fallopian tube, yet I am still here to tell the tale trust me you will know, the pain is so immense you cannot sit down, stand up, lie down nothing!!
If you unsure do a test it will still show positive even if the pregnancy isnt right. I'm sure its down to IBS as opposed to an ectopic though x

16-10-10, 22:29
Thanks everyone, think I have finally managed to move past this issue (for now) xxx

06-12-17, 19:28
You would have severe pain with ectopic. Depending on how many weeks your are u can make an appointment for a scan at the epu clinic. Your body is going through a huge change so you will have some discomfort some times. I personally had a miscarriage around 4 weeks ago and there was no sign apart from some bleeding - as hard as it can Be try to enjoy your pregnancy ❤️