View Full Version : Attempting to take medicines

14-10-10, 21:55
OK - I'm on amoxicillan for a cold/fluey thing.. I took one this morning and one the morning before that.. it has taken me all day to pluck up the courage to take the next one :( I've finally swallowed it but am now panciing that I might have overdosed (I know I havent) but I cant stop the thoughts.. I'm meant to be taking omeprazole too but cant get the courage to take it, it says it can make your anxiety worse, cause hallucinations and all sorts - so I'm thinking about leaving it until I'm at home with my mum - and then she could help if something happens, right? I'm unsure what to do.. The heartburn I can live with and not take the tablets but is that bad?

14-10-10, 21:58
I take omeprazole and the most I ever had with it was a bit of dizziness, it is a great drug for indigestion etc.

14-10-10, 22:14
Yeah I will take it on Saturday while I'm with my mum, I'm so scared it will have side effects but hopefully not.. I've paid £3 for it so I want make use of it! I'm not seeing my doctor until the 5th so maybe could leave it until then and ask her for advice.

15-10-10, 18:22
I think I had dizziness with omoprazole. I can totally understand your fears though, I worry about taking any medication the dr prescribes me. I don't know why, perhaps as I reacted badly to an anti-d once. It's a terrible fear but they will make you feel better. You might get a slightly dodgy tum with the antibiotics though as they clear everything out of your gut so get some probiotic yoghurt down you.

15-10-10, 18:55
I ALWAYS worry about taking too many meds. So I came up with a fool proof way to remove the worry. I now write down each time I take a pill, its name, dose and time. That way I don't have to worry about when the next dose will be :)

15-10-10, 19:48
They always exaggerate the side effects on tablet boxes. They do it to cover themselves. Usually the side effects if any are mild. They should print them so small that you can only read them if you use a magnifying glass. That way you can opt out of reading them if you want :D