View Full Version : I'm Steff :) I'm emetophobic. Nice to meet you!

15-10-10, 00:49
Hi everyone,

My name is Steff, I am 19 and an emetophobe. I'm going through CBT with my psychologist at the moment and I'm on meds for my anxiety.

I discovered my issues were a phobia last year, when I had an 'incident' which triggered everything off. (I'm not saying the word, I'm using 'incident', because I know some people are sensitive about even the word, as I use to be!). In turn I did not eat and lost over 2 stone. I was a healthy 9 and a half stone, 5'9" happy girl. Then I became a withdrawn 7 stone bone bag :(

I have managed to gain weight more recently and I'm now up to just over 8 stone. However, I used to use Polo mints as my safety 'device' and eat them to help me feel better. This has of course done sooo much damage to my teeth. Honestly, I am greatful when I can eat now!

I'm undergoing dental treatment, which so far has been quite invasive, and lots of things have been placed in my mouth! (Not nice for anyone, let alone someone which this phobia!). But I have got to the stage where I've been referred and prodded so much, I have no bother with the ongoing treatment.

So on top of all of this - I have had major difficulties with my education. Not in a bad way; I finished my A Levels with great grades, and was very confused as to what to do at university if anything. So I naturally had a gap year, during which in the middle of I had this 'incident' and everythign started from their. Meaning I couldn't go to uni this year.

So I'm unemployed, I suffer from depression which I've had before and I have this phobia too. But I'm battling on, applying for jobs which I'm not even sure I'm ready for, but I need the money to run my car etc.

Eugh everything seems to just get on top of me. But I keep magically powering on through.. :unsure: using CBT etc and my own ways of dealing with emet.

So that's me!

And anything anyone wants to ask about coping or behaviours etc, give me a message or post back!! I'd be so happy to hear from anyone :blush:

Steff xx

15-10-10, 00:50
Hi Steff

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

15-10-10, 05:05
Welcome Steff I to am an emet and I'm also new here.. I hope you find the help you seek.. *Big Hugs*

15-10-10, 20:55
Hi Steff
welcome to NMP, i hope we can be of great help you.
I know exactly how you feel as i am Emitaphobic too, mail me or PM anytime you want for a chat or just to ask questions :)
