View Full Version : Anxiety or Low Blood Sugar Levels

15-10-10, 10:02
Hi everyone,

I usually have quite low blood pressure, and often feel that my blood sugar levels drop in the afternoon, where I get really hungry and have a headache - usually a banana or some nuts help this and I feel normal again! I have had lots of blood tests throughout the years, and also the glucose test at the doctors a few times but no signs of diabetes etc.

However after a severe bout of anxiety which lasted about 5 days, I have been constantly shaky, weak, jelly legs, arms that feel weak and detached and excessively hungry!!! When I wake up in the morning I have breakfast but my arms and legs still feel weak and shaky. I dont know if im ill or if im just suffering from post anxiety?!?!

Im now worrying myself silly that I have diabetes, or hypoglycemia and the doctor just isnt picking up on this.

Has anyone got any thoughts on this?

Many thanks x

15-10-10, 10:22
I suffer from this too, I also suffer from confusion which makes me panic.
Ive had all the tests at the doctors done numerous times all come back ok and put down to anxiety. I find that I eat all the time even if I dont feel hungry just to try and keep the horrible symptoms at bay. I cant go anywhere without food else I panic and start to worry that the symptoms are going to start. I should be fat by now luckily I workout 4 times a week else I would be. I think I just have a high metabalism but I do worry that there must be something else that causes theses symptoms like Diabetes or something but that would have shown up in the tests I guess.

15-10-10, 10:43
Hi there, thanks so much for getting back to me.

Thats how I feel, I recently had a Liver Function Test and nothing came up so it doesnt seem to be diabetes, however you think it HAS to be something to make us feel this way? Its very frustrating. Im just hoping that its adrenaline from anxiety attack and that I wont feel like this forever.

Do you suffer from the shaky hands and weakness?

15-10-10, 10:43
I suffer like this too and have just had negative diabetes results.

I told the GP how I was feeling too and so now I am looking at my lifestyle. I am trying to exercise every day even if its just a 10 mins walk.

But more importantly I am changing my diet - loads of fruit and veg - smoothies are a great way to up your intake.
I eat loads brown bread and brown pasta.

Anxiety takes a its toll on your body so you need to treat it gently and replenish it with lots of nourishment.

Try googling low blood sugar there is lots of helpful advise and that is what I am trying to do.

Good luck and let us know how you get on xxxx

15-10-10, 10:48
Thanks Ditzy Girl,

Maybe I just need to get some excercise into my life, to use up all that extra adrenaline being pumped around!

Have just started to eat more fruit and veg too so hopefully I will start to feel better. I just hate the leg and arm weakness! As a HA silly thoughts go into my mind like diabetes, cancer etc...


15-10-10, 13:27
Yes ive been to the Doctors so many times with these symptoms that part of me hopes that when they do blood tests they find something wrong because at least then I would know what it was that was making me feel this way and try and treat it instead of it just being put down to anxiety.
Sometimes the symptoms are so bad I find it hard to believe it can be just put down to anxiety.