View Full Version : Mirtazipine.... Help

15-10-10, 10:33
Hi There,

I have been on Prozac for years, and early this year was put on max dosage, this did not help. I am now on Mirtazipine 30 mg and have been for 5 weeks. In the last week I have suffered with very bad back pain, and feelings of flu, aching body, loss of energy, I also have gained 11 lbs since taking them. So in my wisdom last nite I decided to stop... Not a good idea as i was unable to sleep, so I took half my dosage and 4 mg of diazipan, sleep at last, lol.

But along with the weight gain and body pains, I feel at a loss, mentally fine but cant cope with the other feelings.
Has anyone else suffered these effects? Can I just stop taking the meds? I have tried for two days to get to see me GP, but not managed to get an appointmen, other than sleeping outside the surgery to be the first in I dont nowhat to do..
Any suggestions Please ????:)

15-10-10, 10:59
Hi Petzi

I have been taking Mirtazipine for around 3 weeks now and had my dose increased to 30mg yesterday. Since starting them I have had muscle aches and my joints hurt too. I am not sure if it is connected to the tablets but will be mentioning it to my GP.

Weight gain seems to be the main problem for people taking this medication, I am gaining already, but needed to as I was losing weight rapidly. I think if you are worried you need to keep trying to get to see your Doctor or even ask for a call back if your surgery allows that, mine does. I wouldn't stop taking them on your own, I think you need to be weaned/tapered off slowly. You do need a Doctors advice so I would keep trying to get that appointment or at least ask if it would be possible for your Doctor to give you a call back sometime today as you need advice.

15-10-10, 11:32
You would be better off staying on 15mg for a bit then when you feel ok stop taking them .I took them for a month 15mg and just stopped .I was ok ,.Just get used to the 15mg for a bit you will be too If you stop altogether you will have discontinuation effects ,which can be horrible .Joint pains can be caused by these type of drugs ,but it does usually go after a time .Take care ..sue xxx:hugs:

17-10-10, 10:25
Thanks for your comments guys,
I finally got a call from GP then went in to see him. Unfortunately I had all oif the side effects which is un commen for me, I never suffer with side effects, and thought I had the worse flu like symptoms ever, never felt such back pain.

However I did not need to be tapered off them and was able to start new meds immediately, and two days on it is wonderful to not be in such pain whoopeeee!:D

So I just ope the new meds are more suitable.
Once again thank you both for your comments.

Take care :)

17-10-10, 10:41
That's good news hunni what new meds are you on ? X