View Full Version : One for th LADIES ONLY plz!!

09-03-06, 18:11
Hi guys, does anyone else get this just before there periods:-

your breasts feel really tender and sometimes your nipples do too? dorry to be really in your face with this post but im worrying bout having breast cancer which is why im asking if its normal to feel this way.

id appreciate replys

katy x

09-03-06, 18:23
hi ,

it is 100% normal!!

with breast caacer, just be aware of unusal / new lumps etc. The breast tenderness is fine, and as you said, it is a few days before you're due when it happens so it just confirms it :D

Tatty B xx

09-03-06, 18:23
Hi there,
it is absolutely normal to feel like this, try not to worry (easier said than done) take care.

09-03-06, 18:24
hi katy yes it is totally normal i hav always had that.dont worry marciaxx

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

09-03-06, 19:01
Yes katy count me in on that one. I also get the back pain & tummy pains. Things us women go through i dunno LOL.


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09-03-06, 20:53
Breast tenderness is 100% normal for during the run up to your period! I have it now, making it quite uncomfortable to sleep on my front as I normally do! ;) Try taking one evening primrose oil capsule a day for a few months to reduce this type of pre-period symptom.

Leah xx

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