View Full Version : Constant stretching & weak hand/arms??

15-10-10, 12:23
My hands constantly feel weak, but i do bad bouts of it come and go. I can still lift things and have strength in it so it must be just a feeling and not physically weak.. i dunno..im worried :-( my right arm and hand can suddenly feel very weak and floaty sometimes and it lasts hours and wont go :-( im constantly stretching my muscles in my arms and sometimes my back..

what could be the cause of this?? does anyone know what sort of problems Neck Tension can cause?? can it cause weakness and numb feelings??

Please help x

15-10-10, 12:25
oh and basically if i do use my muscles like lift something for example, then straight away after my arm/hand that i lifted it with feels extremely weak..

even typing this i can feel my hand going a bit dead/weak.. its so strange, could this be MND, MS or cancer?? Ive has bloods done and all normal. Would something show up if i had a serious problem???????????

15-10-10, 14:44
please, im crying so much, i cant deal with this anymore :( my doctor has said he'll refer me to neurologist but this is guna take months :( :( :( i take 20mg citalopram but i hate relying on meds to feel better and tbh it doesnt work anyway, it just makes me feel less anxious.. the symptoms r still there :(

15-10-10, 15:40
I get this occasionally, normally i notice it more on the left. I tend to stretch my left arm straight out to when i'm sitting in the house and grab the door frame behind the arm chair for no apparent reason other than it seems to releive a sort of mild pressure feeling in my chest. I've got a fairly physical job and when i'm working hard i don't notice it so i've put it down to another strange anxiety symptom:ohmy:

15-10-10, 20:55
Neck tension can cause all of your symptoms. I am not a doctor but the process is something like the tense muscles put pressure on the nerves and cause all kinds of problems. Throw in some bad posture and you can easily end up with symptoms. I had a trigger point massage a while ago and the person doing the massage could identify knots in my neck and shoulders and press on them and cause many of the odd sensations I get in my hands and arms. Good luck and take care.

15-10-10, 20:59
thanks j2 uve been gr8 help :)

Rachel W
16-10-10, 00:07
I had the same feelings in my hand, especially the right one after using a computer, and also as I started to worry about MS I would feel very weak in the legs, but then I would go for a long walk and feel better. Then due to very high anxiety I started to twitch so worried about MND. My right hand felt so stiff and weak and heavy I convinced myself that I had it. I even started to worry about bulbar and my speech would feel slurred. All symptoms came on after worrying about them.

I had a full clinical exam by a neurologist then pretty much a full body NCV and EMG and my nerves and muscles are 100% healthy. It is amazing what the mind can do once you are focusing on things. Even to this day I think the stress actually changed the way I am comfortable moving my mouth and still don't think that things come out as easily as they did, but if anything had been wrong the EMG would have picked it up.

Just try to relax, I have heard that feeling weak is not the same as actual weakness where you just wouldn't be able to do things with it.

I hope that you can relax as I know how much of a circle this worry can create.

Take care.